9 months later

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The coffee house was brimming with life as I smiled into my coffee. An indie band sang terribly on the stage as I tucked my black hair back behind my shoulder and fingered the worn out copy of Alice in Wonderland I had been gifted by My dear friend Hatter. Arkham had been hell but I had made friendships.

Strange had 'cured' the multiple personality disorder and promptly deemed me sane once more. After the incident with Joker, I knew I would never have my husband back and decided I needed to fix myself. Pick up the pieces per say.  I endured the 'therapies' and strengthened my will to move on.

Now here I am, 9 months later, going by Alice Denorm. A student at Gotham Community College getting my nursing degree thanks to a new identity provided by an anonymous donor who had funded my new start.

Life was better. I was better. I dog eared the page I was on and stood up. Away from the decorations Christmas lights and lighted signs. I took one last whiff of the coffee perfumed air and shrugged my long cardigan on. The beanie in place I strode out. I had two essays to finish tonight and clinicals started next week. As I glanced down at my phone I made the mistake of walking I'm into a wall. A wall that groaned.

"I am so sorry!" I started as I looked up. Thick dark hair and brooding eyes. This guy looked like sin on a silver platters he adjusted his coat and smiled broadly.

" No harm no foul miss..." he trailed off obviously in a way to ask my name.

"Alice. Alice Denorm." I smiled back at him and shook his large hand. I watched as a glint flashed behind this dark eyes before disappearing. How odd. I titled my head.

"Well hello Miss Denorm. I'm Bruce. Bruce Wayne. " I laughed a little.

"Man my luck must have run out. Bumping into the Billionaire Playboy of Gotham." He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. A habit I could tell as I wonder what Selina would say if she could see me right now. Talking to the man of the hour.

"I must be off I'm afraid. Lots of play boying to do and media to capture." With a wink, he withdrew a card from his suit pocket and held it out.
"But don't be a stranger, I love making new friends with new faces." Pushing the card into my hand and striding off to the expensive restaurant a few seconds away while a gaggle of models getting out of a limo and latching to his arms. Typical.With a huff I pulled myself from my thoughts and trudged back to my studio apartment and closed the doors. Flicking the lights on and tossing my bag onto the worn out couch.

"Little Kitten..." came the purring voice of a woman I considered a friend and a mother, even though she couldn't be much older than me.

"Mamma cat!" I squealed and launched myself into her embrace.

"Happy birthday my Kitten." she purred into my ear. The feeling of her latex cat suit calmed any nerves I had and made me smiled wider.

"You remembered!" I laughed out. Two more figures emerged from the dark shadows behind us smiling. Another chorus of Happy Birthdays from Harly and Ivy had me wanting to cry. This was my family.

"So what's the plan tonight fam bams?"  I sighed out as Salina played with my hair.

"Dancin'!" Came the chirpy excited voice of Harley. She was letting her pigtails down and pulling clothing and make up outta her duffle bag.  "How old are ya gonna be again?" she asked popping her gum.

"27 Harls. So old." I wanted to laugh but I knew deep down in my heart, this was the first birthday without my daughter or my dad. A part of me went cold and wanted to cry. Another wanted to just brush it off, To celebrate being alive and free and sane. Salina noticed the glassy look in my eyes and shoved me onto the floor.

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