Lets Watch This City Burn

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2 Month Prior To Arkham

I will stand here. Hand in hand with the Clown Prince of Crime. With the Joker. My Husband. And together will watch the city burn.

Ashes ashes we all fall down.

Our laughs will ring out like a beacon and this pathetic conformists will scurry in fear like cockroaches.

We will make this city bleed.
We will bring it to its knees.

My green haired savior will be with me.

Claire will be safe at home.

Despite the ever present feeling of Hayden locked behind the doors in our mind...I could still feel the swarming feeling of not here. That maternal love was as fierce as ever. Worse so now because of everything.

I stood at the skyline of the building pacing. One by one bombs went off. Beautiful.

My mouth formed a little 'o' as I stared in wonder.

"Ohhhh Haven Doll!" His voice sang out from behind me.

Shivers ran down my spine as he approached me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was his Haven. He was my king.

"Hello Hubbs." I sighed out. Content.

"Beautiful isn't it doll?" he breathed into my ear.

I could only nod in delight. He wasnt one for a lot of chit chat...unless it was coming from him. I giggled and leaned into him. Exhilaration feeding my body energy.

The vibrations from my phone showed an unknown number.

"Yes?" I put in my calm voice.

"Hayden!.." I could hear screaming...fire burning. Car alarms. The voice muffled. "Hayden its dad!"

My heart dropped. Why was he in a war zone I had created? Wait...if dad was there...

"Dad where is Claire?!" I leapt to the edge of the building pushing Joker away from me. Eyes scanning the city, Joker began to pace near me. Running a hand through his green hair destroying the slicked back look.

"Hayden...the theater...it blew.."

I stumbled back.

Gotham Cinema. I had planted the bomb there myself.

"Dad..." I gasped out.

"I can't find her!" He was screaming now. He was cut off by another explosion. His scream echoing. Then static. A dial tone.

Screaming and I can't even breath. I taste red. Disoriented, eyes wildly looking towards the stairs. Everything spinning. My baby.

Where was my baby!?

I spun suddenly. Flying down the stairs. All the hundreds of them as I raced past our goons. I could hear Jays growls echoing behind me. Pushing me on. Down the destroyed streets and bodies and cars on fire.

I had to find my baby.

I skidded to a stop in front of the broken, burning building. Screaming for her.

"CLAIRE!! Baby where are you!? CLAIRE!"

I threw rubble to my sides. And then I saw it. The pink ribbon I had put in her hair for school this morning. Blonde curls. A tiny fragile body I would hold as I kissed booboos away. The body I had rocked to sleep or kissed.

It didn't move. She didn't move. I gathered her in my arms. Holding her the way I had when I brought her home from the hospital. Cradling my beautiful girl in my arms.

"Wake up baby...wake up..." harsh sobs ripped from me. I shook her. Glaring at the sky. "God please help us! Someone help us!" I looked down at her. That perfect baby face that would light up my life with a smile. Her little hands opened and unresponsive. I curled her into me. Protecting my baby now in a way I couldn't before.

I brushed the sooty hair from her face as I begged her to come back.

"Come on boo. Open those eyes...like any other day...open them..please.." I stumbled to stand. To get us away from the flames eating through the destroyed lumber. She just needed air.

Just needed her mama.
Kisses fix the booboos.

I scattered kisses over face. Nothing.

"Mama is here baby...just wake up.." I kept pleading. I didn't stop. Her tiny, lifeless body shaking with my sobs. I refused to look at the trickle of blood from her mouth that ran down her chin. Etching itself into the remains of her baby fat.

I had convinced myself for the past few years I had no heart. But I knew I did now. You can't hurt this bad and not have a heart. Pain can't hallow you out like a pumpkin without one. You had to have a a heart to hurt Even after you let the pain swallow you whole. I sat there, fires burning around me as my daughters body was pulled tight to my chest staring dismally into the void.

Jokers car pulled up. Tire marks on the street as he jumped out. Glancing from me to Claire. Our epitimy of broken and destroyed. He gulped and then growled, shaking his head once as I pleaded for his help. Help for our daughter. Help for the Princess of Gotham. Help for his Queen. Just help! But I knew even then it was futile as noises reached my ears the same moment they did his.He turned his back as soon as the sirens sounded off in a closer distance... Reversing his car, he gave me one last look, blowing a kiss my way, before speeding into the darkness of the night with only his echoed laugh as evidence. That broken god awful laugh I knew would haunt my nightmares.

That was how they found me. Curled around my daughter. Sobbing. Broken. Screaming at the Joker who only I could see. I threw insults and death threats whenever they came close. Snapping my teeth and biting hands. No one would touch my daughter.

No one would ever hurt us again.

But I knew now it wasn't Gotham who would pay. It would be Him. My husband. My cowardly Joker. No longer my savior but my rage induced enemy.

And even in the days that followed, watching the pole barers lower my daughters body into the frigid grounds of Gotham cemetery, followed by my fathers. I began to scheme. Pushing myself into madness. Torn between being Haven and Hayden. Who could live long enough to see him die?

Turning my empire over to Mikey, I walked away from the underground without a second thought or glance.

As days turned to weeks I only got worse. My murders got sloppy. Carving his smile into faces. Pining joker cards to hearts. Sending Him a message from me.

It wasn't too long before Bats caught up to me.There was no epic battle. No brave,sarcastic words thrown between us in this game. It was a simple catch and snatch Until he dragged me to where he would leave me.

Leaving me to rot in the hell called Arkham. Leaving me with his parting words.

"Claire wouldn't have wanted you to do this."

And I spiraled back into the black hole.

Kill the Bat. Kill the Joker. Kill yourself.

<<Excuse me while I cry for a sec okay?😢Sorry. I'm so sorry.💝Bug>>

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