Wake Me Up

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➰Smut Implied and Foul Language➰

Bright tendrils of sunlight curled around my body as I stretched out the kinks letting Vague flashes of memories hit me,but nothing making sense.sitting up I shrugged the sheet off my body,not too surprised to find myself naked. Standing up I slipped on a half robe and edged my way off the bed. Blindly grabbing the asprin and water bottle I left on my night stand before making my way to the kitchen as I started chugging down the water.

" So stupid. Why was I even drinking.."

"Because I dared you to."

What...the...fuck.I quickly spun on my heel and turned to face the voice. My jaw dropping at the sight before me. A very,very naked and well endowed Joker sat at my desk tucked away in the corner. A gold plated gun twirling in his hands as he ashes me that silver capped smile.

The bottle of water splashed to the floor at my feet causing His grin to widened. My jaw dropped.

"Oh Jesus Christ...did...we...?"

"Did we play? Yes...yes we did Doll! Not that I expect you to remember much. But I'm soooooo wounded you wouldn't remember all the things we did last night. I must say, your pretty little hands on that gun...pressed to that mans temple. Pure art!" he kissed the tips of his fingers and laughed deeply as though what he had said wasn't murder. Oh shit. Murder.That I..oh my god I killed someone!I slid down against the counter onto the floor cradling my head in my hands as he continued to speak.

" ...haven't had this much fun in such a long time. A week ago at the most. Haha! Even Batty will be confused when he finds our gifts. Ohh the romantic notions we get into. Haha."

"How the hell did this happen.." I glance up at him. I screwed up. Like super screwed up. Harley is gonna hunt me down and gut me. Maybe. I can never tell with her. I froze as he closed in on me.i hadn't even noticed he was sta ding. The ever present grin was aimed  Right in my face as he trailed one long finger across my face. Right onto a  spot that stung.

" MY mark looks so so so so wonderful on you! I couldn't have asked for a better piece."

"Your..mark? Are you shitting me right now?You put a fucking tattoo on my face? What will Claire think?! Oh my god...my dad.."

" Claire?" Suddenly realizing what I did I froze and began to babble.

"Harleys gonna gut us. You know that right?"I tried to switch topics because He could never know about my daughter.

"Oh that old thing...she took off. Saved the world...after I almost died mind you.. I rescue her and she takes off just weeks later to Ivy. NO! I saved her. I stole the copter! I broke into a prison NO ONE even knew of and I saved her! And she left me for that bitch..who likes plants. Terribly boring. So boring in fact. I decided I needed a new Harley. A new face to work with me. To be my queen."

His words jumbled together. Quick and fast. He really was fucking crazy.I'm He paved around the kitchen slamming his hands down on the counter above my head.  I'm pretty sure this is where my dread was supposed to kick in. Where I'm supposed to do something besides gape at him and his...buddy. He's spaoratic and tantalizing...no! No no no. I cannot go there again. I had to stop letting my  vagina control me when it came to these guys like Joker. I'm just as bad as a dude, Thinking with the wrong head. I shake my hands out in front of me. Hoping to stop the awful, uncontrollable twitching in them when I look at the stoves clock. Rushing to get up Im stopped as the Joker steps in front of me.

"Awwww Doll. Our time together hasn't quite reached an end. I can't just leave ya here ready to bolt and blab." He pauses.Taking two steps back. Back towards my desk when I catch the glimmer of golden light reflecting on his gun. I can't help but gulp and feel my hand flying to my throat trying to stop my heart from exploding right then and there.

Caught In The Joke (A Joker Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin