Chapter 3

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How can she be her daughter?

Mother just said she was gifted like us.

"You will be given a queen she will be gifted like you, you must treat her like a queen or your younger brother will do it for you," Mother says sternly to my older brother.

How is she Anilisa's daughter? She was the only witch in the world to ever have a baby with a Pixie. All of the worlds births are recorded in one book, Its the law anyone o disobey this law was to be banded like the trixies.


Where am I?

Suddenly every thing comes back to me.

He saved me.

No no no, I have to get back before Master notices I'm gone!

He's going to kill me if he finds out I'm here! He will hurt every one like last time! 

I can't breathe, the room is getting smaller the white walls are getting closer.

No not this again! 

I'm falling back into darkness once more, just take me I don't want to be here anymore.

"Hey! Wake up!" Someone tells me sounding like they're panicking. Shaking my shoulder at the same time.

"Lance! She's having a panic attack again!"

Who's Lance?

Oh no there going to hurt me like Master did when I did this.

"N- no!" I whisper, trying to control my breathing, my eyes fly open to see two men standing in front of me.

"D- Don't h-hurt m-me!" I cry.

"We're not going to hurt you! We're trying to help you," the first guy says his hand still in my shoulder.

"Lance," the guy says.

"Just concentrate on your breathing, close your eyes and breath" the other guys called Lance says.

What are they doing?

Master would beat me.

He saved me.


Not again! 

They're going to do it again!

Make me think that I was saved and then he would bring me back and say I will always be his and I will never escape.

"Just take me back" I whisper.

"What are you talking about?" The first guy asks.

"He's going to hurt me if I believe you" I whisper hiding my face.

"No one's going to hurt you," He says placing his hand on my knee, I instantly stiffen "Adam saved you, his brother is in a cell".

What brother?

Is the guy who got me out called Adam?

"Your Highness" The guy bows and removes his hand from my knee.

"Why was your hand on your future queen's knee?" The man at the door firmly demands.

"I'm sorry your highness, I was trying to get her to calm down a little bit" He apologises.

"You are forgiven James," The man at the door says.

James gets up off the ground and walks out of the room with his head down in a sign of respect.

"I see you are awake," He says.

I nod my head and pull my knees closer to my chest tightening my arms around them.

"I'm Adam" He introduces walking closer to the bed. His tall frame sits down on the chair, he crosses his buff arms over his well-defined chest.

"Whats your name darling?" He asks.

"Alice" I whisper.

"That's a pretty name for an equally pretty girl" He compliments.

I feel my cheeks go red, I hide my face with my matted hair.

"We need to clean you up," He says "C'mon lets get you in the bath" He helps me up with my cheeks still red, He leads me into a room joined onto the room I was in before.

He reaches down to the bath and puts the plug into the drain, I can't help but stare at his back muscles flex. He turns the tap on and puts some pink liquid in the water.

He walks over to me "You going to get in?" He asks.

I nod my head and put my foot into the water. It's so warm.

"You going to take those rags off first Alice?" 

"Oh yeah" I mumble and pull the somewhat of a shirt over my head.

I don't really care if I'm naked Master says I have to be naked all the time for him.

I feel Adams' eyes rank over my body, I look at him and see a lustful look in his eyes. My face heats up and I quickly get into the hot water.

Oh my god! Bubbles!

I smile and pick up some of the bubbles in my hand, I bring them up to my face and blow into the little bubbles.

I giggle when they land on Adams' face, he doesn't look too impressed at first but then he chuckles and shakes his head.

"C'mon lets get all this dirt off of you" He smiles and cups a bit of water in his hand and pours it over my back.

He keeps doing this till I'm all clean and the water gets cold.

"Time to get out Alice," He says.

He picks me up from under my shoulders and puts me on the edge of the tub.

"Dry yourself off," He says handing me a towel "I'm going to get you something to wear, I'll be right back" He walks out of the bathroom.

I dry my body and wrap the towel over my shoulders and sit back on the edge of the tub.

Maybe I actually got saved...

No, I can't get too attached. He will find me again, I will go back.

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