Ch. 7 "Talking" & "Innocence"

Start from the beginning

I let go of her hand so that she could twirl over to her desk and slipped into the one behind her. Maya and Lucas were next to us and they didn't seem happy. Maya was glaring at me and Lucas was staring down me and Riley. Mr. Matthews walked in before I could call them on it and the class bell rang.

"Happy Monday, Class. I trust everyone had a good weekend." Mr. Matthews greeted.

"I got my memory back." Riley announced and a small applause came from the room.

"But you forgot who's important to you. I got a new boyfriend." Maya bragged.

"And you need a new bestfriend. I may have a new crush." Riley fired back.

Is that me? Am I the new crush? Well of course I am, that explains the--don't say it man. Breathe. Whew. I'm good now.

.............I'm fine.....I promise.


"Yeah and you feel the need to crush everyone around you. I may have made a new enemy." Lucas chimed.

"I support everything my boyfriend does, I agree that this person is truly the enemy." Maya added.

Everyone looked at Riley and she glanced around nervously. This must be embarrassing for her--having your bestfriend and her boyfriend call you out in front of the whole class. I stepped in.

"That you won't hurt emotionally and DEFINITELY not physically if you know what's good for you." I threatened.

Maya and Lucas shut up after that and Riley mouthed "thank you" to me. I smiled. And yes I know, I should've jumped in before they ganged up on Riley but I didn't see the need until right now. She should be given a chance to defend herself before you do it for her.

"And what happened for you this weekend, Mr. Minkus?" Mr. Matthew inquired.

"A kis--I mean. Uh...this weekend.....I learned to feel safer being more like myself." I gave not lying comepletely.

I learned to be myself around Riley. That counts, right? Of course it counts. Mr. Matthews must've grasped the situation quickly because he wrote "Friendship Vs Partnership" on the board and under it he wrote the words "Remember the Alamo" in tiny letters. Maya groaned, Lucas rolled his eyes and Riley slid down in her chair. Mr. Matthews teaches about our lives? That's weird. But probably helpful. Mr. Matthews walked over to the far side of the room.

"The Alamo: People who believed in something so strongly they died for it. Maybe for some of you your Alamo is directed towards friendship. Who here can tell me some great things about having a great group of friends?" Mr. Matthews questioned.

"They protect each other, because that's what friends do." Maya gave.

"They allow each other to grow so that their friendship isn't reduced to charity work." Riley spoke making Maya choke.

"Charity work, wha-- I mean...T-They also stick together, through thick and thin." Maya added stuttering.

"They ALSO trust each other and support the other's personal decisions. Like decisions they make in their love life." Riley answered glancing at Maya evilly.

"Oh, you little overreacting b*t--" Maya lunged but Lucas held her back.

"Ok, how about we talk about the other thing now." I suggested loudly drowning out Maya.

Something tell me Riley doesn't approve of cursing. Mr. Matthews nodded and walked to our side of the room. He smiled at the four of us sitting together even if we weren't...sitting together.

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