< Chapter 9: Yeah, I Can See You, Boy >

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(not edited) agh don't hate me. I love youuu


"Oh. My. God. You could've fricken told me that they were going to be there so that I dressed nicer!"

Madi drops the room key and her purse onto the small, round table in the corner of our hotel suite, rolling her eyes at me.

Oh yeah, the one that Calum and Madi had reserved connecting to the boys' suite.

We just got back to our room after a fun-filled night out with the boys and I couldn't be more thankful to kick these shoes off.

Madi and Calum's plan had us touring NYC together and Luke taking me on a date.

I literally don't know how I could ever repay her. Tonight was amazing and it's all because of her.

"It's okay though, because somehow I'm suppose to repay you for today," I say, flopping on the bed.

"I'm just glad to see my best friend smiling." Madi lays down next to me on one of the beds.

We lay there for a minute replaying the day in our head for memories sake before I make a move to get up.

"We better get some sleep or we are going to be fashionably late to brunch tomorrow morning," I laugh, tossing a few pillows onto my bed.

"Alrighty. Love you, Elle!"

"I love you, too."


Cars cut in front of Madi and I as we make our way across the streets of New York. Our goal - brunch.

I spot a bright blue eyed boy sitting in a booth next to the window of a closed diner. Our eyes meet and I give a small wave, sticking out my tongue.

The bell to the diner rings as Madi shoves open the door. Calum and Michael already springing to lock the doors behind us upon stepping on the door mat.

"You know, as a precaution," is what Michael told me when I asked him why we were the only group there and the door was locked.

I sit in between two hungry boys, Ashton and Luke, unaware of their ability to inhale pancakes.

Madi and I slowly pick at our plates of chocolate chip pancakes with bacon, while everyone around us was practically done.

"So, how's the tour going? I mean, like, after our concert..." Madi awkwardly blurts after Calum grabs her hand under the table.

Yeah, I can see you, boy.

"It's going really well. I can't believe it'll be over in a couple months though, it's so surreal," Ashton giggle from my right, giving me a side glance.

That's new.

"...but Mansfield was obviously the best show so far. Without it, we wouldn't be sitting here right now with you two hotties." Calum nudges Madi's side the same time Luke and Ashton nudge mine. We both giggle.

I catch Luke sending Ashton glares from my left. Weird.

"I think this deserves a toast," says Michael. "To new friendships and more!"

We all raise our apple juice and coffee up in the air.

"To new friendships and more!"


Hey, so feel free to kill me for many reasons...

A: I actually suck at being a human being.

B: I haven't updated in about 4 months.

C: This come-back chapter is crappy.

D: I probably won't upload until Christmas break.

So, yeah. Just wanted to throw something out there so you guys don't think I'm done for good. I'm definitely not.

The quality and quantity will grow, I promise (fingers crossed).

Love you guys and thank you for sticking with me even though I suck at this!

Noelle :)

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