< Chapter 2: Are You Out There Somewhere >

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(picture of Luke at Sounds Live Feels Live Mansfield, credits to myself)


The sky is slowly fading as Madi and I make our way back to our seats with our delicious Ben & Jerry's.

My mind is still trying to process everything that happened on my small bathroom run. I can't tell Madi until I find out what he is going to do. It makes me nervous just thinking about it...

God, who knew one bathroom break could turn your whole freaking world upside down?

The lights in the venue are dimmed as music starts to play. Every person is on their feet screaming for the main act.

Next thing I know, I see the outlines of bodies (some pretty good looking ones, if I do say so myself).

That's it...fangirl mode, activated. My jumping falls in sync with Madi's who is reaching my level of excitement quite rapidly.

The tune of 'Carry On' fills my ears as the stage lights suddenly burst on with a colorful glow.

That's when I hear it...

Luke Hemmings' voice echoes out of the enormous speakers like a flowing river into my ears. He looks exactly like he did 30 minutes ago near the bathroom - matted, dirty blonde hair and all.

I watch him fiddle with his ear piece while he scans the never-ending crowd, as if he was searching something.

My lips move to form the lyrics pouring into the venue as I get lost in a sea of 5 Seconds Of Summer.


"Ok, guys. So, I've got some good news and I've got some bad news...which would you like to hear first?"

Calum has captured our attention with his enticing accent, once again.

The crowd yells a mixed response with the majority being 'bad news'.

"The bad news is, we are already halfway through the set list," Calum says with a frown on his face and his hands up in mock surrender. "But- the good news is, WE STILL HAVE HALF A SET LIST TO GO!"

Everyone in the venue starts buzzing at the sound of Calum's good news.

Madi and I stay in the zone for the rest of the concert until we realize there is a grand total of three songs left before the encore. We push away the oncoming sadness so that we can enjoy the remains of the amazing performance.

My eyes follow Luke's tall figure as he comes back to center stage from taking over Calum's side, also known as right in front of my face. He adjusts his earpiece for the millionth time tonight before searching the crowd yet again.

"Now, we only have a few songs left-" Luke is cut off by the whines and boos of the surrounding fans. "So, we decided we would sing an extra song for you guys."

Every ounce of sanity has left my body and I scream my head off before recollecting myself.

"This is going to be a very special
song because we are going to invite someone on stage from the audience," Luke continues.

He pauses yet again to search the crowd. It's as if he's still looking for something- or someone.

My eyes watch intently has his eyes flicker between the different sections of sweating bodies, slowly growing closer to me.

"Noelle...are you out there somewhere?"

I suddenly feel as if the air in my lungs is being completely sucked out.

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