< Chapter 8: Ferris Wheel >

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I shoot up from my comfy position on the pillow after I get attacked by a tall, blonde girl.

"Ugh, what?" I ask, while rubbing my eyes. "I was having a really good dream..."


I'm quick to jump up out of bed to cover her mouth.

"People are still asleep, Madi!"

She pries my hand off of her mouth, revealing a smirk. "Don't you remember? Your parents left for a trial in Virginia Monday night and your sister is staying over her friends house until they come back in a couple weeks. Do you also need to be reminded that it's-" Madi leans back in an attempt to read my clock, "4:17 on Wednesday, July 13th 2016?"

How could I forget? Oh yeah, I was dreaming about Lu-

"ITS WHAT TIME?" Her words suddenly sink in.

"You and I are going on an adventure!" Madi squeals. "Now, get dressed and pack a bag that'll tide you over for about...a week."

"A WEEK?!"

"Oh, hush. Be ready in 30 minutes...I'm going to go raid your fridge."

With that, Madi was out my door leaving me standing dumbfounded.


Madi and I roll our suitcases to a stop and take a seat near a window in the airport.

"This is insane..."

"I know, but we're going to have so much fun! Have you ever been to NYC?" Madi asks.

I shake my head.

"Well then, this can be a first for both of us," she smiles.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're crazy?"

"Yes," she says with a wink.

I roll my eyes as I watch our plane come to a halt outside the terminal window.

It takes about 20 minutes from that point to unload, clean, and reload us new passengers onto the airplane.

See you soon, New York City...


The flight was only about an hour, so Madi and I both put in our headphones to jam out to some 5SOS and show tunes. Isn't that a great combination?

We took a cab from the JFK International Airport to our hotel in Times Square, The Knickerbocker.

The city is a ton of hustle and bustle, but at the same time gorgeous. I can't wait to see it at night!

Our hotel is nice and the rooms are beautiful. We set down our bags and run right back out and into the city.

"So, where to first?" Madi smiles at me.

"Uh...I have no idea."

I honestly have no clue where to start.

"Lets start at Toys R Us," Madi suggests.


Next thing I know, Madi is dragging me to the biggest toy store I've ever seen in my entire life.

Three stories of childhood heaven.

Dolls, trains, candy, blocks, stuffed animals, legos, dress-up clothes, music, action figures, scooters, instruments- you name it, they had it.

Oh yeah, and how could I forget the main event?

Madi and I immediately hopped on the ferris wheel.

I repeat  F E R R I S  W H E E L .

They had a humongous ferris wheel in the middle of the store.

After enjoying the missing piece of our childhood, we made our way over to the Broadway district to fan girl.

Later that afternoon, we went for lunch at Ellen's Stardust Diner where we sang along with the waiters/waitresses as they danced on the table tops.

We then made our way north and walked around Central Park until nightfall.

"What is all of this for?" I ask Madi, as we walk underneath the trees of Central Park, watching the sunset.

I had been so caught up in the sudden excitement, that I hadn't even thought about why we might be here.

"Can't I just spring a mini-vacation on my best friend without being interrogated?" Madi replies, giving me a side hug.

I sigh, "I love you."

"I love you, too, Elle."

I hear a ping go off and watch Madi slip out her phone and start to type rapidly on the screen.

"Who is that?"

"Oh, uh, no one. Just my mom, you know, checking in..." She laughs awkwardly before immediately putting her phone away.


We continue to walk for another 10 minutes until the aroma of food fills our noses. Madi lead us to a food truck at the corner of the park.

Together, we make our way over to the colorful truck. As we walk over, I have my head in my phone, pulling up Snapchat to document this NYC dinner.

I lift my phone up and snap a picture of the truck along with the group of people waiting for their food.

As I am inspecting the picture I just took, I notice a cluster of guys being handed their meals.

Why does that tall guy look like-



Number One: I'm so sorry for not uploading in over two weeks.

Number Two: I'm so sorry this is a crappy chapter.

Number Three: I'm so sorry this chapter isn't as long as I planned.


Anyways, I'm really sorry for everything but I promise, I'm getting back into a wacky schedule.

I have THREE auditions this week so wish me luck!

Shoutout to MazeRunningFreak for being an amazing person! :)

The next official update will be around Sunday, September 25th 2016.

BE ACTIVE! Please VOTE and COMMENT on whatever you want!

Noelle :)

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