Time is Always Slow When One Waits

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Erik awoke, wincing as the bright afternoon sun hit his eyes. He stood up, and walked across the spotless hardwood floor, to the bathroom. As he he walked out, the doorbell rang, a loud, echoing sound. The kids had already been sent to school, so he had time to ponder what to do with Charles, and his feelings for him. It seems he must have dozed off. He shook off the last of his sleepiness as he took hold of the door handle and twisted it, and was greeted by a middle- aged man, with a  letter in his hands. 

"Excuse me, are ya Erik Lensherr? A young fellow wanted this delivered to 'im, but didn't know his address, which in my opinion, is shtupid 'cause why would ya send a letter to someone you don't really know, and don't even have his 'dress memorized? Well anyway, 'ere, he said to give this to ya." The man turned abruptly and started his way back down his driveway. Erik yelled his thanks after him and shut the door. 

Erik looked down at the piece of paper in his hands. It was small, but had a delicate feel to it. He carefully opened it, not daring to guess who it was from. The parchment itself was a beautiful piece of stationary. Unfolding it he read:

Dear Erik,

I have to thank you for the time you spent with me on Saturday, ensuring that I was cared for and well at all times. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there, and I must say, you spoil me. I can't think of any reason why a man such as yourself, would date a broke man like me. I will wait, earnestly, for our date tomorrow. If I may ask, what is the theme of the date? I would hate to be under dressed. I take it you already know where I live, so swing by any time. It's not like I have anything better to do. 

Awaiting your arrival,


Erik smiled, all teeth showing, and wished time to move faster, because god knows he cannot stand another second without being at Charles'  side, but he will refrain himself, if not for his own sake, but for Charles'. He had planned a night at the nearby arcade, another chance to win prizes for his beloved love. 

He sighed, desperate, he must keep his mind off Charles, so he decided to watch a movie in the nearby cinema. He took his coat, and walked out of his house, the letter still resting on his bedside table, there to remind him of all the things he loved. 

The movie that was showing that night was a romance one, perfect for the way Erik was feeling now. He gave his paid ticket to the man standing outside the theater, and walked in. The story was of a light house keeper, who fell in love with a local girl, and after they marry, she has two miscarriages in three years. She fears that she won't ever be able to carry children, so shortly after her second miscarriage and she finds a baby aboard a floating life raft on the ocean, she can't help but take her in. Her husband knows that they should give the baby to the orphanage, but she convinces him otherwise. 

Erik enjoys the movie, and gets immersed in it as the smell of buttery popcorn and hot dogs drifts around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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