One Abandoned and the Other Lost

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Erik continued to cook. "I knew you would come back."

"W-what are you doing here? Why are y-you still here? What happened to my house?" Poor Charles stuttered endlessly.

"One would think that thanks would be the first thing you say. I fixed the majority of the house while you were gone, bought some groceries, got rid of the spiders in your cupboards, and added some things to make your house look lived in and well loved." Erik said, looking extremely annoyed. "What kind of person would leave their own house to get away with a one night stand? That's what I am right? A one night stand? I thought I meant something to you. I thought we connected on a different level, one other than fuck-buddies." He looked down, "I feel pulled towards you, Charles. I thought from the first look at you, that we would become something, you and I. Something special. I want you by my side. Both of us, together, protecting each other, we want the same thing." He looked up. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't feel it too."

Charles looked at Erik, stutter forgotten. "We met each other last night, at a bar. Do you really think that you could love me, after all, both of our experiences with each other was when we were drunk. I don't think we should build a relationship off of that. And what do you know about me anyway?!"

Erik stared back with the same intensity, "I know that you are broken, that everyone has abandoned you, that even your sister has left you," he pointed to the letter, still open on the table where Charles had left it the day he met Erik. "leaving you with no money, no job, and no life."

Charles looked down, hurt showing in his eyes. But nevertheless, he knew that this was true.

"But I also know that we met on the same day as my late wife's funeral, and that I'm feeling some kind of emotion towards you even though that I should still be mourning. I can't stop it, Charles. I hate myself for saying so but I think, no, I know, that we belong together. I can help you, Charles. If only you let me." Erik finished.

No response.

"Please Charles. Just give me five dates, I will show you that we belong together. If I fail, you can leave, no strings attached. Just promise me that we can stay friends."

After a few agonizingly silent moments, "Fine, five dates. Then I can leave and you stop bothering me?"

Erik winced at Charles' choice of words. Why did he seem so convinced that he had no feelings for him? Was he farther lost in sorrow than he had imagined? Was this Charles' way of dealing, by keeping himself from feeling any emotion?

But he refrained himself of speaking his mind, worried that he'll make things worse. "So, I'll be back tomorrow, to take you somewhere."




Erik left the house, immediately thinking of what to do and where to take Charles for the following dates after.

Charles helped himself to Erik's breakfast, originally made for two. What in the world did I just agree to?


Sorry for updating so late. I had writer's block and couldn't think of what to write until late last night. I had jumped out of bed to write after inspiration hit me. Please vote and comment, I need your inspiration.

And many thanks to those who actually took the time to read the author's note above.

I want to dedicate this chapter to EllieWoofs for helping me. She may be a ghost reader but she's amazing.

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