Time To Let Go

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As a child, Charles always had Raven by his side, and him at hers. They were best friends and siblings ever since that night Charles found her trying to steal food from their kitchen.

They brought out the best from each other, simple as that. But everything came apart on the day Raven told Charles, "I signed up for Peace Corps and they accepted me. I will be leaving for a few years, please don't be mad at me!" She had said without taking a breath. Charles froze. They had banned together against their parents for as long as he could remember. He hadn't even had the thought that one day she would leave.

"I-I don't know what to think." He whispered quietly. "We've always been together." He had always known that one day she wanted to go out into the world and help people, but to him, that was small talk. He had never given it much thought until now.

Charles felt so selfish. Why was he thinking about it this way? He should be happy, instead of keeping Raven to himself, and away from all the people in need. But he felt torn, betrayed almost. Why? Why did she need to leave? Why now? Why not never? He wasn't ready for her to leave him. But somewhere, deep down, he knew that it was time to let go.

"I know, but Charles, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, think of all those people being discriminated, forced out of their homes because they are different." Her eyes were sparkling, which happens when she talks about something she cares about. "The racism and inequality is shocking, Charles! You have to let me go. I'd rather go with your blessing and awareness than go behind your back without."

Charles closed his eyes, sighing deeply. "Very well. But write me letters whenever you can."

**End Flashback**

Charles felt yet another tear roll down his cheek, one of many. Raven finally wrote. She finally wrote back! Being in a remote village had stopped her from writing for months. He had missed her dearly. He felt guilty from forgetting a few days ago. The taxes and bills had become increasingly overwhelming.

With shaky hands, he tore open the letter.


I want to dedicate this chapter to Sora-no-Shinigami . She helped me come up with ideas for this chapter.
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