Good Night, Erik

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Erik was positively glowing as he walked up the driveway to his house. The night before was amazing. He felt so proud of himself for choosing such a place to go on the first day. The only thing that had kept him from kissing Charles was the fact that he had never been kissed by Erik while sober. He was afraid it would make a difference. That Charles would think different of him, after all, it was only their first date. He smiled to the thin air as he unlocked the door.

Shortly after, he was taken down.

By his kids.

Erik mocked groaned as he was tackled to the ground. He tried to struggle his way out of the two playful lumps but failed miserably. Accepting defeat, he slumped to the ground.

"Daddy! Daddy! We were waiting for you! Auntie Angel gave us some cookies, and we watched a movie! She told us that Mommy went to somewhere good. She said that someday, we would get to see Mommy again and we could say that we love her very much. We never actually got to say that before she went to work. Then we stayed up and looked at the stars. We had so much fun." His kids sat on top of him as they recalled their day.

"Well, how must I thank Aunt Angel if you kids are sitting on me, and the house is all the way over there?" Erik questioned.

His kids quickly scurried off him as he attempted to get up.

Walking swiftly towards the house, hoping not to be attacked once more, he stepped in.

"Thank you so much Angel. They really needed that. I couldn't even imagine what I would say to help them move on. You did it all in an evening. You really are a miracle-worker." Erik praised.

"Well, it's all in a day's work. I see you had fun, if the blush on your cheeks and the smile etched on your face is anything to go by. Call me whenever you need me. And don't worry about the fee. It's on me. You really do have wonderful kids, Erik." Angel winked, and walked away into the night.

Erik chuckled, shook his head. He would never be able to figure her out. She always was one for simple words.

"Daddy, earlier Peter wanted to scare you. He told me to hide behind the bushes before you got out of the car. I said no. Did I do a good job?" Wanda wondered, eyes wide and innocent. Wanda was always looking out for her brother, despite him being older.

"Come here kids, it's past your bedtime. You can play later tomorrow." Erik gently chided at their begging to stay up later. Peter was desperately trying to convince him through his yawns.

After both children were sound asleep, Erik went to bed, the night's events flashing on replay through his mind. When he saw everything at least three times, he played it back to focus on Charles' red lips, and blue eyes. Oh, he could not wait for the next date. It was going to be fun, if tonight's events said anything about it. And Erik promptly fell asleep, a smile on his face and the squirrel  Charles had given him held tightly to his chest.

 And Erik promptly fell asleep, a smile on his face and the squirrel  Charles had given him held tightly to his chest

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