IT WAS FIVE minutes I swear before I felt something wet in my ear.

I shrieked -discovering a pain in my neck at the same time- as my head shot up. Diego was next to him, his finger next to him. He started laughing, and he even had to clutch his stomach. I smack his chest, and he laughs harder.

"We're here," Diego announces.

"We better had been, or else you woke me up for no goddamn reason and I would have had to kill you," I hiss, and he grins cheekily.

I felt a little nauseous as I stepped out of the jet, and onto a rooftop. The warm air greeted me, blowing my hair back. The air felt a little sticky, and I quickly tied my hair up.

"Welcome to Mauritius," Diego says, standing next to me.

I had always wanted to go to Mauritius, it was one of those childhood dreams. I heard countless stories about how beautiful it was, how dazzling the ocean was, and the friendly people. From where I was standing on the rooftop I got a clear view of the blue ocean.

"Is this everything you've always dreamt of?" Diego asks me, his eyes searching mine.

"Even more," I smile gratefully.

"In a few weeks we can hit Paris and all the other European places," Diego informs me. "I've just got some things to stop work first,"

When the honeymoon had to be planned, Diego and I had talked about the places we wanted to go. Diego said he didn't have a list because he's been everywhere -rich boy- so he said I should choose. I chose Mauritius, Paris, Rome, Venice and Verona. He chose Mauritus.

I nod and he nods as well. Greg calls us. After three minutes in the elevator we reached the ground floor of the building. This was the hotel we would be staying at.

"Mr Hernandez," Greg tells the receptionist.

"Ah yes. The honeymoon suite, the best suite in the house," She smiles.

She rummages through the drawers and produces a keyring with three keys hanging from it. Greg leaves us at the door, and Diego unlocks it, stepping to the side to let me in. My jaw dropped instantly.

It was a large suite that you could tell had been expensively decorated. A king bed was against the bed pillows covering almost half of the entire bed. There was an inter-leading bathroom with a very large shower lacking a door. And that wasn't even the best part.

It was the view defitely.

Diego unlocked the sliding door, and I stepped aside once again greeted by the humidity of Mauritus. The ocean was very near, it was probably a five to ten minute walk. The white waves crashed against the rocks, and surfers glided through the blue water. I could practically taste the saltiness.

"You look positively gobsmacked," Diego comments.

"Well I am, I mean look at this place. I never thought it would be this beautiful," I tell him and he chuckles.

"Have you been here before?" I ask him and he nods casually, but I see something hidden in his eyes.

"Diego. . ." I drawl, putting my hand on his shoulder.

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