hope [for sale]

644 20 4

TITLE; hope
FACE CLAIM; Carlson Young
LOVE INTEREST; Stiles Stilinski

Brooke started off Junior year with high hopes that the town's murders
over the past year had died down. Brooke started off Junior year with
her boyfriend Jake at her side and thought they'd stay together till the end.

But you know what they say: hope breeds eternal misery.
And that's exactly what happened.

More deaths begin to pile up Beacon Hill's walls, including Jake's,
and Brooke feels like she's stuck in an endless circle of misery and
disappointment as all she can do is watch people being picked off one by one,
wishing she could do something to stop it. Or if not her, then someone else.

And that's the story on how she met Stiles Stilinski.

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