How to follow your heart

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I'm so sorry for the long update. This story is probably the hardest story for me to write. PLUS, I haven't really had the time to update like I used to. But, once I hit my stride, expect a few updates.

I'm also thinking about making an Updating Scehedule. Something to keep me motivated! d:

Anyways, this is dedicated to ALL the people begging me to update this story every chance they got. This is to you ♥

Much love,

Nickymb <3

PS: Sorry for the short chapter :(


  ‘"Why you so worried New Girl ? Worried i’lll back out of the Date?"
  I roll my eyes before standing up and walking away. He follows me after shutting his locker.‘"Not even. Just wondering why you bother asking in the first place." His mouth tips up into a slow smile. And when I look at his eyes, I notice that they really are green. A very, very intoxicating green.
       "Because I wasn’t kidding your first day here. You're in for a hell of a ride." 

                                                                                                       -How it Happened. 


I count the kisses in my dream like I count the mistakes in my life.

 One minute they’re beautiful, the next moment they’re not. One minute my dream is envisioning Tucker hovering over me and at the snap of an invisible finger Ben is standing next to me screaming.

One second it’s endless, blissful love, then this thing called guilt crashes into me like a tidal wave.

 Even though I’m dreaming, I know what my asshole of a subconscious is trying to tell me; I’m losing my damn mind.

That has to be the only explanation for the reason behind what happened last night. Why else would I agree to this thing with Tucker?

 Why else would I give my already claimed heart to a man who isn’t Ben?

 The moment I wake up, the memories of my long night comes rushing back. Groaning, I sit up and look over at Heather. Red, tangled hair is the only thing I see sticking out from the blankets over her head.

 Rolling my eyes, I reach for the hair tie on my nightstand and try to tame my uncomperating hair.

 We both had a late night for different reasons. She stayed up trying to convince me to not do this thing with Tucker while at the same time giving me the go ahead. I, on the other hand, tried my hardest not to swoon my way  into oblivion.

 While Ben is everything a girl could want, Tucker is the guy every girl needs. Ben is good, put-together, and caring. Tucker is wild, untamed, and daring.

When I’m with Ben I’m a different kind of girl. I’m afraid to take chances. I’m afraid to go beyond the bounds I let myself fall into.

 Ben makes me tone into the grown up part of my existence. While at times our passion can go beyond logic and rules, at the end of the day it always comes back to that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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