How you answer a hard question

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Oh my god, the last time I updated this was in January ... Holy Hell! Excuse my french there people, but I have no idea how I even found the motivation to write this ..

I guess people were reading my first story and liking the last chapter, so I am sure you guy's wanted something (;

I'll try to update and edit the hell out of this. Like I said, back then my editing wan't too good and when I look at it, I wonder how you guy's even got through half the book!

Anyways, I want to thank anyone who actually did get through the first book and I hope that you are happy about an upload and I will promise to get to another one this weekend! <3

With love! (:

~ NickyMb <33



It took awhile for me and my mother to actually get into a kind of commutable state.

 I mean, what do you do when you have to look at the daughter you abandoned years ago and have to answer all her questions?

At first, she tried to sell me on the whole idea of how she just wasn’t ready to have kids and how she didn't't care for my father the way she used too.

She said that motherhood wasn’t her calling back then. According to her, she wanted to call me or try to contact me, but she felt that my father wouldn’t allow her.

The whole time she told me this, I would just take it in and bite my tongue.

I wanted to tell her that it was all bullshit, she could have contacted me but she was the one who refused too.  When I finally made it to Alabama though, my decisions up to that point finally hit me.

 I mean, here I was leaving everything I ever loved for someone who left without a second glance at me? How could I even consider it?

I guess when that moment comes, you start to think. In the future do I want to remember the moment when my mother came to me , asking for a second chance, and I denied her it?

 Then what? I would go my whole life living in the moment of a whole bunch of What If’s? I don't think so.

Yeah, you want to know the answer to only one question, right? Was it everything I wanted? Everything I thought it would be?

Yes and no.

 I lived with my mother, got to know who she was, and along the way she learned about the daughter she left behind.

Her three kids and new husband were well enough. They accepted me living there for the summer and I even became close with my step sister.

 I guess everything did work out, but the one thing that bothered me every moment I had the chance to think , was him.


The name branded to my heart.

No, I didn’t think about him everyday like I thought I would. I didn’t feel for him as much as I thought I would either.

 But when everything in my life would calm down, in the middle of the night in the moments were you are almost asleep but still awake, his face would appear and I would always wake up in the morning with damp cheeks, from all the teared that fell the night before.

That changed with Ben though.

He was this guy I met in college and I guess you could say I liked him. He was sweet, nice, worth falling in love with.

How it EndedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang