Chapter 16

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I smile proudly, for someone who is a hunter to not notice his gun is missing... big mistake. His eyes are screaming in shock and anger. I chuckle apparently he forgot another thing.

"You won't hurt me in any way because I won't let you hurt me" he scoffs and I am still staring him dead on.

"As if!!!! I will heal anyhow, so don't think you are safe you monster" He was going to slice but he sees that he can't.
"What the---" I can tell he wants to move the knife across my neck, but is failing.

"I am a pureblood, underlyings such as yourself cannot touch me..." I end up kicking him off me and I stand up. I see Suga smirking at me, I smile at him and turn to his father. He is staring at me with pure hatred.

"Babe. Wanna take care of the ones around us?" I ask him, and all he does was smirk. "I can handle the bastard". I see him smile, and comes near me and steals a kiss.

"Anything for you, plus some have to respond for touching you" he turns around to the remaining group. Some were planning on fleeing, but are cut off by flames. I am stunned.

"You are not going anywhere..." he says. I haven't seen such flames since back then when I had them. This power suits him. Now, I decide to focus on the man... who wants me to die... the man that wants me away from Suga, From Yoongi.

Not this time...

"Don't you know why those people want me...?" I ask him as I stand looking at him, slightly tilting my head sideways smiling.

"I am gonna rip that stupid grin off your face!!" he runs at me.

"Stop." I say and he halts in place. Yes, he failed to realize why I was such an important part of whatever their plan was.

"What is happening?!" he hisses and stares at me.

"Kneel" with struggling he falls to his knees. I guess he hasn't noticed that I am fully awaken.

"Since you can pin-point exactly what is happening", I get to his level and whisper in his ear, "You a halfling cannot touch a pureblood..." he stares at me with disbelief.


"We PUREBLOODS are royal, no one can disobey what we order, as you saw... even if you try to defy what I ask you... you have no option but to OBEY!" I smirk.

"This is why they----"

"Wanted me... Yes... From what I caught an army... if you had succeeded whomever consumed my blood would be able to lead..." I tilt my head. "Correct right?"

" I will not say anything!" I laugh and kneel to his face. "I am not giving you an option... You will give me every answer I will ask... before anything else. Is that understood?" I smirk.

Yoongi POV

I can't help but eavesdrop into their conversation, and I find it so interesting. This new side of my baby... Y/N was never one use her abilities, since she always found it so unfair, but now I think she is more comfortable.

I snap the last head, and turn to Y/N. She is standing in front of that man.... the man who calls himself my father. Will she do it?

Should I even care?

I see Y/N turn to look at me... Her eyes are asking me something so I close my eyes..... I enter her mind.

'What should we do with him?'


'Yoongi, should I pull the trigger?'

I open my eyes, and I stare at her... She has never actually taken a life... maybe on self defense, but this man... No this should be my job.

"I'll do it." I say, and Y/N backs away.

"Your willing to kill your father.... this whore has you wrapped around her palm." I lost it and I punch him hard.

"I am in love with her!! She makes me happy! She is the only person that I care about... you stopped being a person I cared about when you opposed about what I wanted to do with my life!! A FATHER SUPPORTS WHAT A CHILD WANTS!! YOU NEVER DID!! ALL YOU DID WAS ENFORCE WHAT YOU WANTED! HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER!! THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERED?!?! Did I ever really matter to you?! What I wanted?" I yelled out everything that I had ever felt in. When I confessed that I had an interest of writing music, he asked for my notebook... I excited thinking he would want to see, but I was wrong... He threw all of my thoughts and passion into the fireplace....

"Those were child dreams.... we live in a world of darkness. And that thing next to you is the cause!!" I let out a scream, before I point to the gun towards him.

"Y/N... Never saw me as a monster.. when to her kind... Hunters were monsters. She always saw a person... She made me see a different life. She made me see that I DO HAVE a choice to be what I want. She shares my love for music. She listens to me... gives me affection... SHE WAS THERE WHEN YOU WEREN'T!! Why can't you let me be happy with the woman I want to be with? I don't want to kill you but if you threaten my life with her... I won't hesitate... I've said it once haven't I." I stare at him, all I see his hatred and anger. I am silently begging he will back off.

"NEVER! A vampire and a hunter... This is absurd... Son, enough nonsense... Come into---" I unlocked the gun.

"Too bad for you father... That the hunter son who followed your orders... died a long time ago... AND the one you are talking to is not your son, but a vampire...."

I look at Y/N and she understands me... she turns away.

I don't want her to see.... me kill my own father...

I pulled the trigger... BANG

The body turns into ashes... I look up into the sky...

I feel no guilt, I feel no remorse...

I feel free.

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