'You've never told me who he is, just things about him.' Emilia continues. 'It's time for him to know mom. Now that I know, I can't keep it a secret.' 

'We can talk about this at home Emmy.' Erin says.

'No, mom. I want to talk about it now!' Emilia shouts. She carries on quieter when she sees everyone looking in. 'Severide, mom. Kelly Severide is my dad. Luitentant Kelly Severide on squad 3 at firehouse 51.' Erin looks down at the ground. 'That's why part of my first name is Kelly and one of my last names is Severide, isn't it?' Erin nods. 'Mom, I'm nearly 16, why can't you tell me these things?'

'I don't want you getting hurt, Emmy.' Erin tells her.

'Why would I get hurt?' Erin doesn't reply. 'I've got an appointment. See you later.' Emilia says as she storms out.

At the hospital, Emilia's having her check-up. 'Everything seems fine.' Dr Rhodes tells her, but she's not paying attention. 'Emilia?' Emilia snaps back to reality. 'Everything seems fine.' Emilia smiles. 'What's wrong?' 

'Nothing. I'm fine.' 

'You can talk to me.'

'I'm fine.' Emilia says more sternly. 'Thanks.' She gets up and walks out. As she's walking out the hospital she bumps into someone. 

'Sorry.' They say together and laugh.

'I'm Jessy Halstead.' She just startes at him. 'Everything OK?'

'Yeah, sorry. Emilia Lindsay. Are you related in some way to Jay Halstead?' Emilia questions.

'Yeah, he's my cosuin, well cousin once removed. My mom's cousin.' Jessy says. He notices Emilia looks confused. 'Sorry. It is confusing. How'd you know him?'

'He's in the same unit as my mom.' 

'I've got to go. Maybe we could meet up for a chat sometime?' Jessy asks. Emilia nods. She gets out her phone and gives it to him to put his number in and Jessy does the same with Emilia. They return each others phones. 'It was nice meeting you.'

'You too.' Emilia smiles and they head their seperate ways.

Later that night, Emilia gets a text from Jessy.


It was a pleasure to meet you earlier!


Same to you.


Fancy meeting for lunch tomorrow?


Sure! I look forward to it!


Great. Starbucks it is. The one 2 blocks from the hospital. Can't wait to see you again! Xx

Emilia looks at her phone in disbeleif. 'Did he just put kisses at the end of that text?' She thought to herself. She smiles and puts her phone on charge. She gets out her book, Deep Six by Thom E. Gemcity or Timothy McGee, as she worked out, an NCIS agent. She soons falls asleep.

She wakes up the next morning to the sound of her alarm. 'Shit!' She says to herself. She relizes she only has two hours until she has to meet Jessy. She quickly hops in the shower. She washes her hair with her mint shampoo and conditioner and then washes her body with her strawberry shower gel. She gets out the shower, dries off and blowdries her hair. 

She wears her black vest top, black ripped jeans, brown jacket and black heels

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She wears her black vest top, black ripped jeans, brown jacket and black heels. She decides to use her mini black shoulder bag. She then does her hair and make up. 


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She takes her phone off charge and heads out

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She takes her phone off charge and heads out. 

She walks into starbucks and sees Jessy sitting at a table. She sees that shes not the only one that went through all the effort to look nice.

 She sees that shes not the only one that went through all the effort to look nice

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She walks over to him and he stands up. He walks to the chair opposite him and pulls it out for Emilia. She smiles and sits and pulls herself in. Jessy asks her what she wants and goes to order it. 

'Thank you.' Emilia smiles as Jessy returns with her drink. 

'No problem.' Jessy responds. 'I...' Before Jessy could continue a man storms into the coffee shop with a gun. 


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