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"How was your talk with Jungkook?" Yoongi asked whilst he took a sip from his coffee. He had ordered an americano, like usual. Jimin still couldn't bring himself to like the distinct, bitter taste that coffee had, no matter how often Yoongi would let him try it.  So Jimin had chosen a hot chocolate, keeping his hands on the cup to warm up his hands. After all, it was getting cold outside, people started wearing their winter jackets and scarves to protect themselves from the heavy wind.

"Oh... It was alright I guess..." Jimin mumbled, nibbling at the huge pile of whipped cream that was floating in his drink. Yoongi raised his eyebrows, gesturing for him to continue.

"I don't know, it was weird," Jimin sighed, leaning back in his chair.

"Weird how?" Yoongi asked skeptically.

"I just... He looked like he was completely unfazed by the breakup, it was weird," Jimin shook his head, remembering the bright smile on Jungkook's face when he greeted him.

"Well, everyone handles pain differently. Maybe he's just good at hiding it," Yoongi answered simply, not worrying nearly as much, "Did you ask why he broke up with Taehyung?"

"I did... he told me he just didn't love him anymore," Jimin sighed as he took a sip from his cup, a bit of whipped cream sticking to his nose. His boyfriend smiled fondly at his cuteness.

"That's a good reason to break up with someone, I guess," Yoongi shrugged as he leaned over the table to wipe the mess off Jimin's nose with his napkin.

"But what do I tell Tae? He will be so hurt if I I tell him..." Jimin leaned his head on his hands and let out an even deeper sigh than before.

"Just tell him the truth," Yoongi said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But what if he gets really upset again? He's finally getting slightly better, I don't want to ruin that progress," Jimin whined.

"Well, if it was me, I'd prefer to know. No matter how painful it might be," Yoongi said matter-of-factly.

"I guess... You're right," Jimin threw his head on the table and let out a sigh in frustration, "why is my life so hard?"

Yoongi just grinned and gave him a few pats on his head.

"It'll be okay, kiddo."


kookiie: jiminnnnnn!!
jimchim: hellooo
kookiie: whatchu doinggg??
jimchim: hanging out with yoongi (≧◡≦)
kookiie: ohhhh fun

kookiie: we should also hang out!!
jimchim: sure!
kookiie: are you free tomorrow??

jimchim: im not sure...
kookiie: pleaseeee???? :)
jimchim: i kind of was planning to see a movie with tae
kookiie: ohhh
kookiie: maybe the day after??
jimchim: yeah okay
kookiie: yay!!!
kookiie: i'm already looking forward to it!!

jimchim: kookie
kookiie: yes????
jimchim: do you think tae will be okay?
jimchim: you know
jimchim: with us hanging out and stuff...
kookiie: i think it will be fine!!

kookiie: we have been friends since before tae and i were together
kookiie: so of course its okay!!
jimchim: i guess...
jimchim: but i have also been best friends with tae way before we even met
jimchim: and i really dont want to do anything to make him feel bad
jimchim: especially not now...

kookiie: i understand .....
kookiie: but i really don't want to lose you jimin ......
kookiie: you mean a lot to me
kookiie: tae will understand
kookiie: i know he will

jimchim: i hope so...
jimchim: ill ask tae tomorrow
jimchim: i just want to make sure
kookiie: okay!!
kookiie: that's fair!!

jimchim: i have to go now
jimchim: yoongi is scolding me for not giving him enough attention
jimchim: bye!
kookiie: bye jimin!!
kookiie: see you the day after tomorrow!!!
kookiie: ...maybe!!


A/N: so apparently jungkook likes to type a lot of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!! and is kinda annoying lmao oops

idk why i wrote him like that but oh well, too late to go back now

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