"Yeah." She replied.

I took both our plates and placed them in the sink.

"I should be heading home to get ready for school." I told her.

She nodded in agreement and stood up to walk me to the door.

"Oddly enough, I had a good time hanging out with you," I told her once we were at the door.

"I never thought I'd say this, but me too." She agreed.

I gave her one last smile, which she returned, and headed out the door.

What a night, and what a morning.

I guess my plan to be her friend was going to be easier than I thought.

I walked into my house and was practically pounced on by my mom.

"Where were you last night? Why didn't you come home? Are you hurt? Did you get arrested? Did you get a girl preg-"

"Mom!" I exclaimed, thankfully stopping her from saying what she was about to.

Mom always said stupid stuff when she was in protective, worried mother mode but this was just too much for the morning.

"I was over at Sophia's to do a project, then we hung out for a bit and I fell asleep." I told her so she would calm down.

"You fell asleep?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yeah." I answered slowly, giving her a confused look.

"Guys are never supposed to fall asleep before a girl, she'll think she's boring and that the guy isn't interested in her!" Mom exclaimed.

Little did she know that I actually didn't fall asleep. But if Sophia came around here and mom and her talked about it, I wanted them to have the same story, so I had to tell mom I fell asleep.

But really I was awake when Sophia put a pillow under my head, and a blanket on me. And I didn't miss that proud look of accomplishment when she was done, thinking that she hadn't woken me up. It was truly adorable.

The reason I pretended to sleep was because she was clearly uncomfortable about being alone overnight. So I decided to help her out in the only way I could think of, by staying over. I knew she would never ask me to stay, even if she really needed me to, so I made sure she didn't need to ask.

"Are you even listening to me?" Mom suddenly snapped, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry mom." I apologized.

"Just go up and get ready for school, we can talk about this later." She said, shooing me away.

I put up my hands in mock surrender.

"Okay, okay, I'm going."

I quickly made my way upstairs and had the fastest shower possible. Once I was out I threw on a pair of dark jeans and a black T-shirt. For some reason girls loved when I wore black shirts. Next I sprayed some cologne on me, I had to smell my best if I wanted to feel my best.

By the time I was finished getting ready my hair was already dry. I looked in the mirror to see its state, messy yet neat, and ran my hand threw it a couple times until I was satisfied with how it looked.

"Hurry up Damon, you're gonna be late!" Mom called.

"I'll be right down!" I called back as I grabbed my bag and took one last glance in the mirror.

I ran down the stairs and out the door as I yelled goodbye to my mom.

As soon as I arrived at school, all eyes were on me like usual. At least some things around here hadn't changed.

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