You Can Keep The Cherry.

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Chapter one: Senior Year


Here’s the situation, been to every nation

Nobody’s ever made me feel the way that you do

You know my motivation, given my reputation

Please excuse me, I don’t mean to be rude

The sweet sound of Enrique Iglesias’s voice runs through my eardrums, jolting my body awake. The music reminds me of summer. It’s 6:00 in the morning. First day of school. Ugh! Enrique’s voice still vibrates against my ears as I try to open my eyes. I would not mind waking up to his voice every day. His toned Latino body in my bed. Yeah, that would be the life. Shaking away those dreams, I roll over in my bed, searching for the off switch on my alarm clock.

A soft knock brushes against my door. I press my palms to my eyes, blocking away the sunlight seeping through my window. It’s way too early to be up, since I was so use to waking up in the late afternoon all summer. I miss it. “Honey, you awake yet?” My mom calls through my closed door.  Sooner or later, I will have to get up. I wish the option could be later. I sigh, pulling down the cover that rested on top of my slender body. But, instead it has to be now.

“I’m up, Mom.” I call back to her as I climb out of bed.

“Okay. Be ready in an hour. Don’t want to be late on the first day of school.”

She doesn’t wait for my response; instead I hear her footsteps slowly disappear as she walks down the staircase. Yes, one more hour until I’m officially a senior in high school. That's right, my last year in high school. I know it’s supposed to be the best time of my life, but it’s so not. I hate high school. It’s nothing but jocks and fake chicks. Then you have the rest of the school population. The kids that aren’t popular, but aren’t losers either. I’m in that crowd. I don’t mind not being popular; I just don’t really enjoy being nobody either. It would be nice for more people to know my name, since I have been going to school with these people since kindergarten, but I also don’t want to deal with the drama that goes along with being popular. I just wish something amazing would happen in my life. I feel like I live the same way every day. Wake up in the morning, take a shower, eat some food, hangout with my friends, eat some more food, then go to bed and do it all over again. I just want something more exciting for once. You know? Live a little dangerously. Do something outrageous. Not think about any consequences. I laugh at any of that actually happening. No, my life will never be like that.

“Too late loser!” Nathan calls out as he runs past me and into the bathroom.

“Hey! I need to get ready for school!” I try to push past him with all my might, but it’s hopeless. He’s so much bigger than me.  Nathan is my older brother, but you wouldn’t know it if you knew him. I’m way more mature than him. All he does is sit at home and play video games all day long. He graduated high school three years ago. He still lives at home. No job. No money. No relationship. No life. No future. He presses his large palm into my forehead, trying to push me out of the bathroom. He’s so annoying. He knows I have school today, so he’s obviously doing this all on purpose, so I can be late. I move away from him, pressing my body to the door frame. His green eyes widen, surprised that he won the fight. I’m too mature to play his childish games.

“Why are you up so early? It’s not like you have anywhere you need to be.” I stare at him, waiting for his response. He plasters a grin to his face. I just roll my eyes. Sometimes he can drive me crazy. Like, why is he smiling? It’s the AM. No one smiles in the AM. I mean sometimes you can. Like if Enrique Iglesias was standing in front of me instead of Nathan, I would sure as hell be smiling. But, that’s not the case, so there’s no need for any smiling. None.

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