Chapter Thirteen: Quidditch and the Ravenclaw Cake.

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Fierce bolts of lightning strike with a loud clashing sound as the two teams from opposite sides hop on their brooms and take off. The dark clouds release a hard pelting rain that thrashes against your back. Both teams shoot around the arena, the crowd cheering wildly from each side, every child holding up soaking wet banners that encourage their teams to do the best. Madam Hooch steps out onto the field wearing a black and white cloak that seems to be water proof. Her pointed gray hair sags a bit as her hawk like yellow eyes scan around the two teams, starring at each and every player. Her mouth was moving, but no sound could be heard over the thunder that roars ferociously. I find it insane that no matter what the weather condition is, Quidditch will be played. Madam Hooch unlocks a trunk, and releases the Bludgers and the golden snitch. She then takes the Quaffle in her hand and counts to three. She throws the Quaffle high up in the air, and the game begins. 

Players swish around, beating and chasing like barbaric animals. James swings his arm forcefully using the wooden bat, beating the Bludger to the other side of the field. The opposing keeper misses and Gryffindor gains 10 points. The crowd instantly goes wild on the Gryffindor side while the Slytherin's boo angrily. James begins to fist pump happily, grinning and slapping high fives with his team mates. On the other side of the field, Albus squints his eyes from the rain, in search for the golden snitch.. The other seeker seems to be doing the same. Scorpuis zooms in a zig zag motion, moving his way over to the Gryffindor side of the stadium. One of his team mates throws the Quaffle over to him, and with a swift motion Scorpuis throws it towards the Gryffindor goal post. Our keeper catches the Quaffle and throws it back, almost knocking Scorpuis right off his broom stick. The Quaffle zooms across the field as another loud crack of thunder echo's over Hogwarts Grounds. Albus sharply ducks his head, almost getting hit with the ball. He flips his soaked hair to the other side, keeping an eye open for a little golden ball with wings. Teddy shoots across the field, knocking purposely into Scorpuis, throwing him off. Even for far away, you could see his glistening proud grin. 

Scorpuis knits his brows together and scowls viciously before darting over to Teddy. Teddy has the Quaffle in his hands, and by his facial expression, you could tell he's determined to get it in the goal post. He throws it as hard as he can, but the Slytherin keeper catches it and throws it away. Fred Weasley catches the Quaffle and zooms past Scorpuis and Jagrus, making a clear shot at the Slytherin goal post. 

"Another 10 points for Gryffindor!" Roxanne Weasley shouts into the microphone. The crowd stomps their feet happily and cheers. Out of no where, Scorpuis catches the Quaffle and fiercley knocks the Keeper off track and shoots it directly into the Gryffindor goal post. The Slytherins hoot and scream while clapping and fist pumping. 

"Go James! You can do it! Kick that barbie doll off his broom!" Me and Senna yell over the loud crowd. Apparently James heard us since he was snickering and making his way over to Scorpuis. A jolt of lightning strikes one of the goal post and electrafies it. The team mates move away from it until the lightning is gone. Teddy and James swoosh around the field, attempting to catch the Quaffle or beat the Bludgers. 

A mere hour passes and the rain continues to pour down on us like a bucket yet know one seems to care. Gryffindor is down by 10 points and Albus is doing his best into searching for the snitch. Once he found it earlier today, the other seeker saw it too and they began to fought. Albus got so aggressive he pushed the other boy so hard, he fell off his broom. Falling didn't stop the game. The Slytherins got angrier, and MUCH more harder. James patted Albus on the back happily and whispered something in his ear. Albus nodded and wen't back out in search for the snitch. Tension quickly rose on each side of the field. I found myself yelling and cursing at the other side, since they were doing the same to us. Boy, this game is aggressive. Even the teachers were betting on who would win. James and Teddy made a couple more scores, but enough to win the match. The Slytherins continue to gain up on us. 

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