Chapter Six: Mysterious Pages

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Chapter Six:

"All classes will begin tomorrow at 9 a.m. Follow your schedules.. From there on, you will be fine" Mcgonagall shouts from the head of the grand hall. "You may now be dismissed". Me and James both slowly stood up from our seats, our eyes fixed on our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Something seems oddly strange about him.. But then again, all of our D.A.D.A professors were strange. The first one I ever had was a ghost.. He ended up being fired since most children were frightened by him. In my second year, we had a woman who was also a horse. She is known as a centaur. After that, we had Professor Malva. She had to substitute for the year since Mcgonagall couldn't find anyone eligible for the job. I happen to like Professor Malva. She may be a Slytherin but she does not care whether you are pure blood, mud blood, or half blood.

"He looks kind of creepy" James whispers to me under his breath. I gave the professor one last glance. He was starring at us with a raised eyebrow. "I think he heard you" I say, my tone filled with fear as well as embarrassment. "He's looking at us".

"Calm down" James says, shrugging his shoulders. "It's not like he can do anything to us".

"All Gryffindor students!" Professor Amaryllis yells over the crowd of chatty children. "Please follow me to your common room! There you will unpack and get settled.. Please, come... come. Follow me".

All the Gryffindor students make there way down the corridors, past the potions and charms class and up the stairs. "Hold on to the railings, first years! We don't need anyone getting hurt on the first day". The marble staircase suddenly jolted to left and higher up. The pictures that surround us wave and greet us. "Good day, Gryffindors" says one of the paintings. The man in the picture takes off his wizard hat and bows. Distant sounds of oohs and ahhs came from the crowd. Probably first years.

We climb up to more staircases until we reach the 4th floor. Professor Amaryllis guides us to a large painting of The Fat Lady. "Password?" she asks, her classy tone catching the attention by all of us. "Caput Draconis" Amaryllis says in a low voice. The fat lady flashes a warm smile and swings herself open. Professor Amaryllis steps into the common room and gestures for us to come in. "Come in, come in. Watch your step".

Both me and James enter the common room door. The dark red and gold walls are covered in pictures of past Gryffindor students and legends. The fire crackles in the main fire place along with fire from the candles floating around. Long furry rugs spread out around the circular floor along with plump red leather couches. Coffee tables and wooden seats surround the room as well. Two staircases swivel in the opposite direction, indicating where the boys and the girls are supposed to go. On top, a large flag of the Gryffindor sign dangles down from the stone ceiling proudly. Golden trophies are also aligned on shelves along with metals and awards. There are even wooden desk in the corner for kids to do homework on. This is what I call home.

"Your schedules are already placed on your desk in your bedroom along with your luggage" Amaryllis points out. "There are also bookcases and trunks to put away your things. Make sure your wand is with you at all times. The password to the common room is Caput Draconis. Please take time to memorize this so you don't get locked out. The fat lady does not bother to remember faces. She will not let you in without the correct password. No one is aloud to change it what so ever without permission from me. That is all the reminders I have to give out.. So have a nice evening. I shall see all of you for dinner at 6:45 p.m." With that, Professor Amaryllis waves goodbye and steps out of the common room.

Albus comes over to us along with Rose and Lily. Hugo has already ran to his bedroom. "Let's meet back down here in a half our" Rose says. "That way we can all go around the castle to show Lily and Hugo around". We all agree and say our goodbyes. I make my way up the staircase to where to the 4th year Gryffindor girls stay.

"Where is it?" Senna sighs in aggravation. I open up the door to find Senna surrounded by a bunch of clothing and spell books. "I can't find it!"

"Find what?" I ask curiously while scanning the desk to find my schedule. "My Remembrall" she says, flailing her arms up in the air. "I lost it!"

I can't help but snort. "You lost something that helps prevent people to not lose things?" I laugh, finally finding my schedule. My index finger scans along the paper, finding Monday. My first class tomorrow is Potions. After that, Defense Against the Dark Arts with the new creepy professor. I hope James has the same schedule as me. I don't want the professor alone.

"Unfortunately, yes" she whines, kicking her Charms book away from her. "My mom gave it to me so I wouldn't lose things when I came here".

"That's not working out to well" I retort, reading over my schedule. I still have to pick two extra classes this year. I have been wondering about this all summer, yet still clueless. I have no idea what I want.


After an hour of searching through Senna's stuff, we still didn't find her Remembrall, and I still didn't unpack. My trunk sits beside my bed, waiting for me to open it. I eventually let it out to Senna that it is probably lost for good. She begins to go on and on about how much it meant to her. I began to unpack stuff and put them neatly away in my trunk. I stacked my spell books and quills on my wooden desk and organized it all. I'm a total neat freak if you haven't noticed by now.

I pull out the last of my things when I notice something odd. My D.A.D.A book is wide open yet no one touched it. The only people in the room are Senna, who is still complaining about her Remembrall and Lucy Loopson, who is unpacking her things. I glance over at the page. In large gold scripture, the title reads something I never even heard of.

'Soul Snatchers'

Audrey Riddle and the Soul Snatchers {HP Fan Fiction}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora