Chapter Seven: Paranoid... Of a Book

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"These malicious creatures have a malevolent way of thinking. They descend from the deadly creatures of dementors found in Azkaban Prision. These beings can only be seen in the darkest hour... "

"Senna? Lucy?" I ask curiously, starring at the page. Both girls look up from what they are doing. "Did one of you open my book?" Senna knits her dark brows together and shakes her head. Lucy strides over to me and scans the page over. "Nope" she says simply, shrugging a shoulder. "I didn't even touch your things - I've been unpacking". Lucy tips her chin over to her pile of charms books and new quills along with ink that changes color when you write. "Maybe the book fell over and landed on the page.. So what?" 

Lucy nods her head reassuringly and heads over back to her desk. Maybe she is right. Why am I being so paranoid over a book? I pack away my luggage trunk under my four poster bed before plopping on top of it. The silk sheets and cotton covering feel cushiony and comfortable on my skin. I let out an exhausted sigh and take in my free time. Soon I'll be cramming with books and stress. The first day at Hogwarts is always the best. 

Later on, my two other roommates come in. Leonna Regus and her stuck up self, enters first. Her golden blond hair lays smoothly on her back, her Gryffindor robes draping perfectly across her slim silhouette. She walks in with her chin held high, the atmosphere soon changing quickly. Honestly, this girl belongs in Slytherin. She's a total snob as well as a pure blood. Her father works in the Ministry while her mother is a teacher at Beauxbatons Academy in France. She's always complaining how she want's to be in any other house - but Gryffindor.  She even tried multiple times to transfer out of this house. Leonna always goes on about how the Sorting Hat made such a dreadful mistake. Did I also mention she happens to have a 'thing' for James.  Leonna always has an appetite for fame. Since James's father is famous, he is pretty much famous. Leonna just want's more attention then she already has. 

"Hello, Lucy" Leonna says, wiggling her pink polished fingers from across the room. "You just may be the only one I don't mind rooming with" she adds loudly so me and Senna could here. Lucy glances up from her organizing spree and knits her eyebrows together. Lucy and Leonna are decent acquaintances.. The total opposite from me and Leonna. I despise her with every being in my body. 

Before I could even protest to this, the door opens slowly. Standing in the doorway is Brianna Brensteen, a large smile etching across her tan face. Her dark hair is in their wild curls as usual. Brianna despises Leonna as much as me and Senna do. "Audrey, Senna - hey!" she exclaims, waving wildly. She then pounces on my bed and embraces me in a large bear hug. We begin to talk about our great summers..Well... her great summer. But I don't really pay attention. My mind is still on what I read about the Soul Snatchers. Maybe my book did fall, so why do I feel this way? My mind is saying otherwise. 

Later that evening, I meet my main friends and we all head down to the Grand Hall. Delicious aromas fill the corridors as we made our way into the Grand Hall. The long golden tables are filled with hundreds of eager kids along with rows and rows of fresh food. We head over to the Gryffindor table where untouched plates sit. James sits beside me and gives me a strange look. "What's up?" he asks, grabbing a roll from a nearby basket. "You seem weirded out". 

"What do you mean?" I say, bringing my glass of fresh pumpkin juice to my lips. "Well..." James begins, "you didn't say a word when we walked here. It's like your blinded by something in your mind. You okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah" I respond cautiously, "Never been better. It's just.." I let out a aspirated sigh. "My Defense Against the Dark Arts book fell over my shelf and opened up to this page.. It was about these creatures called Soul Snatchers. It kinda gave me the chills... That's all". 

"You're scared of something in a book?" James says with raised eyebrows. He butters his roll and shoves it whole into his mouth. "No.. The first thought that came to me was my father.." I mutter lowly, hoping the others didn't hear. "What do'ya mean?" 

"You know how my father is in Azkaban?" I ask, reaching over the table to slice a piece of steak. "Mhm" he says with a mouth full of bread. "Well, the book said they descend from the guards of Azkaban, dementors. What if Soul Snatchers are the new guards? What if my father has to deal with them?" 

"I'm sure he can handle it, Audrey" James says simply. "Don't get all paranoid because of a book that fell. Just forget about it". 

And that's exactly what I try to do. Forget about it. After dinner, we head back up tiredly to the common room. I take my time though.. The last thing I want is to hear is Leonna complain about how she hates us. Instead of going directly to my room, I plop my body on one of the common room couches. Albus, Lily, Rose and Hugo all say goodnight and trudge themselves sleepily up the swirled staircase. James on the other hand plops his body next to mine and shakes his head. "You have a bed for a reason" he chortles sarcastically. 

"I'd rather not hear Leonna's voice" I murmur through the couch. I lay on my full stomach, my head hiding in the couch. "I'd rather..." I yawn. But before I could even finish my sentence, I drift off into a deep slumber, with the Soul Snatchers on my mind. 

Audrey Riddle and the Soul Snatchers {HP Fan Fiction}Where stories live. Discover now