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~ Perrie ~

Jade fell asleep as soon as we got in the car. Why did she ask me about the ring? Why did she get so worked up? Was she jealous? Don't be silly, Perrie. Why would Jade be jealous? I thought back to when Jade was talking about Emily. She had a silly little smile on her face when she talked about her. And I got jealous. I don't even know why. Maybe I thought Jade liked this girl. But then she said Emily had slept with almost every guy in school. That made me happy. Did I like Jade? Does Jade like me? I mean, more-than-friends like me?

I looked over to her sleeping figure. She's really cute. Her full chest heaving up and down every time she breathed, and the breeze from the air con lightly blowing her golden brown hair. I was really lucky to have this girl as my best friend. I bet all the guys are begging her to date them over in Stanford. She is gorgeous. Stunning even. I wish I was a beautiful as her. I looked back at the road; I wouldn't want to crash because of her. I'm not even ashamed of thinking these thoughts. I stopped. What about Zayn? I have to be ashamed of my thoughts. That's basically thought cheating on Zayn. I tried to picture Zayn in my head; his dark brown eyes and his soft sexy face, but Jade's cute one always appeared it it's place. I just couldn't shake her out of my mind.

Jade woke up as soon as we drove into South Shields. She sat up and rubbed her eyes and stretched.

"Where are we?" she asked, in a small cute voice.

"Home," I grinned. I turned down my street and pulled into my driveway. "Home sweet home," I sighed; I haven't been home in ages. I helped Jade collect her luggage and take it inside.

"We're home!" I called out.

Mum appeared in the door of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a tea towel. "Children!" she cried.

"Mum, we're not children anymore! I'm 20 and Jade's 23," I said, giving her a hug and a kiss on each cheek.

"I know, I know. I'm just used to you two being little," Mum said, pinching my cheeks.

"Thanks Mum," I muttered as she moved over to Jade.

"Jade! Love, we haven't seen you in so long! You've grown so much!" she said, giving Jade a big hug and a kiss on each cheek.

"It's good to see you! You look wonderful!" Jade said. Suddenly, Jonnie came running down the stairs.

"Poopey!" he said, running into her and nearly bowling them both over. I reached out to steady them. Jade smiled, gratefully.

"Poopey, you're finally here! We have so much to catch up on! I missed you so much!" Jonnie gushed. Sometimes, I swear he's gay. He leaned down and whispered something in Jade's ear. I catch my name but nothing else. The two "girls" giggled. I glared at them. Jade is my best friend. We have more inside jokes than her and Jonnie. I stopped and glared at myself internally, if that's possible. I scolded myself for letting that jealous thought cross my mind.

"Well why don't you guys go on upstairs? I'll call you down when dinner's ready," Mum said, smiling. The two "girls" ran off up stairs. I stared at my mum in shock.

"Mum!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, dear?" she said, walking back into the kitchen.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what, sweetheart?"

"Send them off like that. Jade's my best friend, not Jonnie's," I whisper-shouted.

"I said you guys. I meant you too. You're free to go up there and join them, Pez. And she's not just your best friend. She's Jonnie's friend too," Mum reasoned, opening the oven door and peering in to check on the chicken.

"Oh. Yeah, I know but she still came to see me!"

Mum stood up. "Perrie. She did not just come to see you. She came to see all of us, and by the sound of it, you are jealous and being a bit possessive. So, are you going to go up there or stay down here and help me with the vegetables?" Mum said is a stern voice.

I stared at her in shock. "I am not!"

Mum nodded. "Yes you are! Now are you going or not?"

I huffed and stomped out of the room.

~ Jade ~

Jonnie and I raced up the stairs.

"So," Jonnie said as we walked into Perrie's bedroom. "Blondie down there looked a bit jealous when I hugged you."

I blushed. "Did she?"

Jonnie nodded. "I think she missed you more than she should have. I think she likes you." I gave him a blank look.

"As in love-likes you," Jonnie clarified.

I blushed harder. "H-how do you know?"

"By the way she looked at you. I know my sister and I've never seen that look on her face before. Not even when she looks at Zayn."

"Huh," was all I said. Zayn must be her fiancé.

"You like her," Jonnie stated. "I knew something would happen between you two! You two haven't been so . . . straight!" Jonnie laughed at his own joke. I smiled dryly at him.

"I'm not gay," I muttered as a loud bang sounded from outside. Jonnie smirked.

"Sure," he said. I rolled my eyes before rushing out of the room to see what the bang was. Perrie was struggling up the stairs with my bags.

"Oh Pez! Let me help you!" I insisted, running towards her and taking a few of my bags.

Perrie sighed. "I was gonna say I'm good, but if you have to," she said. We got to the top of the stairs and Jonnie was standing in Perrie's room's doorway, arms folded, smirking.

"Trying to show off, eh?" he said.

Perrie flipped him off and I glared at him.

"Where do you want these, Jadey?" Perrie asked.

"Um, in your bedroom?" I queried. "If that's okay. I don't really want to sleep in the spare bedroom."

Perrie smiled and nodded. "Sure!" she said and picked up my bags. I picked up the small ones she left behind. Jonnie chuckled as she stumbled into her room. I slapped him on the arm as I passed. Perrie dumped the bags in a corner and stood up.

"Jonnie, you can leave now," she said, shooing him out. Jonnie huffed and a few seconds later I heard a door slam shut.

"So, who's this Zayn guy?" I asked as soon as Jonnie left.

Perrie sighed. "Jade, do we have to do this right now?"

"Yes! We have to! I want to know who my best friend is getting engaged to!" I almost shouted. The feeling in my stomach came back.

"Alright!" Perrie yelled. "His name is Zayn and he's in the band, One Direction," she said in a quieter tone.

"And? Why are you rushing into things? I know you, Perrie, and you don't usually do this. Especially in a relationship," I accused.

"I didn't think there will be anyone else. I did it before I could change my mind. I didn't think you were coming back . . ." she trailed off.

I was dumbfounded by her words. Did she like me? Like Jonnie said?

"Why didn't you come find me?"

"Because I thought you'd forgotten about me! I thought you never wanted to see me again!" She took a step towards me. "I love you, Jade. More than just a friend. I always have and I always will."

And with that, she stepped around me and out the door. I stared after her. Perrie loves me? But she's getting married. I can't just turn up and make her stop the wedding. That's what a selfish person would do, and I'm not selfish. Why did she even meet Zayn in the first place? I needed answers. Lots of answers. 

Friendship, Love or Nothing ➸ j.tWhere stories live. Discover now