Emilia wears her grey dress, denim style jacket, her black boots, bracelet, necklace and rings.

Once they get back from church Cindy puts the youngest the bed. 'You don't have to go to bed now. You're school has a teacher day.' She tells Emilia.

'I think I'll just stay in my room. Give you a bit of peace.' Emilia responds. Cindy nods and Emilia heads up to her room. She gets her laptop from her suitcase and opens up Facebook. She sees a message from someone.

Better watch your back.

She stares at it in shock and just deletes it. She starts to get tired so she closes her laptop and puts it on the beside table and gets into her bambi pyjamas.

She gets into bed and almost instantly falls asleep

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She gets into bed and almost instantly falls asleep.

The next morning she's woken up by the Herrmann kids running around and screaming. She puts her dressing gown and slippers on and walks downstairs and into the kitchen. 'Sorry, did the kids wake you?' Cindy asks.

'Yeah, but it doesn't matter. I need to go to the gym anyway.' Emilia says.

'What'd you want for breakfast? Museli? Cereal? Sandwhich?' She asks.

'Museli, please.' Cindy nods and prepares Emilia a bowl of museli and hands it to her. Emilia then sits and eats. She then heads upstairs and gets ready to go to the gym. 

She starts of easy, due to her previous injuries, to get her strength back

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She starts of easy, due to her previous injuries, to get her strength back. She only does an hour and heads to meet Josh at a park.

'Hey.' Josh says as they hug. 'Feeling better?' Emilia nods. The walk into a cafe where they have something to drink. Josh then walks Emilia back to Herrmann's. They part but beofre Emilia could walk in someone shouts over to her. She turns around and sees Dr Rhodes running up to her. Emilia walks back out into the street just as he gets to her.

'You've missed your past 3 cardio appointments.' Dr Rhodes tells her.

'I dont need them. I feel fine.'

'Emilia. You're a minor. We need to keep checking on you. You're still young. If anything happens to your heart it could impact what you do later on in life.'

'I've been going to the gym. Getting my strength up.'

'Just, come to the appointments. Please?'

'Yeah.' Emilia nods and walks into the house. She finds Cindy and lets her know she's home. She's surprised to find Erin home. 'Mom! You're home early!' Emilia exclaims hugging her mom. Erin helps Emilia pack uo her things and they head home. Before they do, Emilia thanks Cindy for letting her stay. 

When they get home they decide to order a takeaway for dinner. 'What'd you find?' Emilia asks Erin.

'Nothing really. That's why we're back so early.' Erin responds. They eat their dinner and Emilia heads to bed.

At the same time, over in Washington D.C, Special Agent Gibbs gathers his team. 'We have a group of Marines believed to be involved in a gang called, The Vulters. The main people that have appeared on our radar are Sergant Garry Brady and Petty Officer Kevin Lawrie. Both live in Chicago. Bishop, Quinn. Go!' 

'To Chicago?' Quinn asks.

'No, to the north pole. Yes! To Chicago!' Gibbs shouts sarcastically. McGee hears his computer beep and runs up to it. 

'Boss. We got a problem.' McGee says. He puts what came up on his computer onto the screen. It shows a website for the gang. 'It's a hit-list. Top of their list is a 15 year old girl. Emilia Kelly Severide-Lindsay. She's been in two accidents, a club fire and a care accident. Both said to be caused by, The Vultures.'

'What's the police department done about it?' Torres asks.

'Nothing much. Her mom's a detective under the intelligence unit.' McGee tells him. Gibbs stares at him then looks at Quinn and Bishop.

'Why are you still here?' He asks them.

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