"God, mother. How did you know that?" My head peeks out from my room, "Are you keeping tabs on me?"

"Do you even have to ask?" She says seriously and I roll my eyes.

I finish dressing down and walk out to join her on the couch. "Let me guess, a lovely flower by the name of Poppy told you?" I deduce.

"Well, since I didn't see you in class today, I worried a little. I texted your fabulous assistant and she told me that the only position you were stretching today was bending backwards for that boss of yours." She says as she twirls her cup. "Have I told you that I get a weird vibe from him?"

"Almost every time work comes up. But I manage. Anyways, I'm just glad the day is over."

She points over to the kitchen island. "I ordered a buffet of food. We are going to eat and get drunk of that exceptional good Spanish wine tonight." She smiles.

I'm about to protest when she raises her hand, "And don't tell me we can't! Poppy mentioned you had the day off tomorrow. You can wake up late." Putting me in place.

I raise my eyebrow at her. "But you do have to go in tomorrow."

She waves me off and walks to the kitchen, appearing seconds later with the wine bottle and another glass. "Please, I called in already. You think I going to miss having a three-day weekend with you? It's like an eclipse, rare in occasions and not to be missed." She fills my glass and hands it to me. "Drink up, Ms. Valdés."


      I wake up only to find that I've dozed off. I reach for my phone and see that its almost midnight. The dishes are washed and put away. Leftovers are re-packed and stored in the fridge. I gather the recycle and leave it by the front door to throw it out tomorrow. I grab my purse and head to my room, not before I grab the couch blanket to cover Jess up.

"Love you." She mumbles sleepily.

"You too." I say and turn off the lights.

I close the bedroom door behind me and turn on the lights. Setting my bag down on my bed, I head to my bathroom to wash my face. I wash it thoroughly, scrubbing the dirt off and making sure that all the stresses of the day are erased. I head back to the room and grab my purse, dumping all of my mail on my comforter. Sifting through each letter, I sort them. Just as I reach the end, I come in contact with a small rectangular card. What is this? The envelope is a dark, shimmering purple with intricate patterns. I open it and pull out an invitation. No title, no name, no address. Just a faint, delicate image of what appears to be a Venetian mask. I turn to see the back, only to find a ten-digit number.

I keep staring at the card in my hand. I should be confused, but I'm not. I should find it bizarre, but I'm intrigued instead. For the first time in a very long time, something has taken my mind off work. Before I know it, my hand has already pulled my phone and my fingers have just marked the last digit.

One ring. Two Rings. "Good evening, may I have your name please?" A soft female voice comes through.

"Um. Hi, good evening." I say confused. "I'm sorry, I just found this card and it only had a number. I thought it...I actually don't know why I called, I thought it may belong to someone?" I honestly say.

I practically hear her smile through the phone. "You found this card?" she pauses for a moment, "Then it was obviously meant for you. Are you free tomorrow?"

"I, uh. Yes, I am." I say nervously.

"Meet me at Espresso Profeta on Glendon Avenue. Let's say at 11:00?" She says smoothly.

"Uh, okay. Yes, I'll see you then." I automatically agree.

"Oh, and Miss... or Mrs.?" She asks.

"Miss." I correct her.

"Before you go, can I have your name?"

"Elise" I kind of whisper.

"Well Ms. Elise..." her voice lacing with confidence. "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, have a good night." She politely hangs up.

"Good night to you too" I say back, even though there is no one on the line. I place my phone on the nightstand and get up. I pace around, thinking what the hell just happened. In less than two minutes, I called an anonymous number, spoke with an anonymous person-who didn't even give me a name- only to agree on a coffee meeting. I just acted out spontaneously, something I don't do. I'm always cautious, never taking risks. This is something I would never do in my life, to call a random number. It feels out of depth. Yet, confusion is not the feeling I am picking up. It feels more like...adrenaline?

Several Kinds of HungerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя