Part 26

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Lucy's pov

After our game of Uno and tons of depression. We all decided that I should go home.

Natsu offered to walk with me and I happily agreed.

Then this conversation started:

" so Lucy, were you able to enjoy dinner? " Natsu asked
" sadly, no..... I couldn't taste a thing " I said sadly

Natsu looked down but then blushed, " then why is it that you felt your warmth when I k-kissed you? Did you feel any other warmth? "

I shook my head, " no, for some reason- "

I grabbed Natsu's hand, " .... I can only feel your warmth "

Natsu blushed and switched our hand's position so that way he could hold onto it tightly.

" is it wrong for me to feel happy? " Natsu said.

" huh? "
" I'm sorta happy that you only feel warmth when you hold my hand or when I kiss you, "

I giggled a little " well isn't someone being selfish? " I said, also slightly heating up.

" well........ I'm a very selfish and possessive person, I don't really like it when you talk to other guys either......... I want you to only look at me with those passionate eyes.... " he said looking down.

I stopped walking and we still had our hands together.

He stopped as well and looked at me. I smile and kissed him on the cheek.

" you know Natsu, I'm very grateful to have met you, you are my hero! You saved me from loneliness and i feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world "

" same here Luce!! " he said giving me the biggest grin ever.

A couple minutes later, something came to me.

" Natsu? "
" yeah? "
" does Igneel know about your power? "

Natsu smiled " yeah! Actually he helped me control it, Igneel sorta had the same power, and my mom kept it a secret together when they were young! That's why....... Lucy I think you should tell my dad about your power! I think he'll be able to help you more, especially with your taste and you not being able to feel the cold! "

I looked at him and smiled, this boy.... geez he's so helpful and kind. I can't get enough of him!

" yup! I'll come over tonorrow, and I think I should bring levy, is that okay? "

" yeah she needs to be informed, and she can pass the message to gajeel later!.............Lucy I promise we're gonna fix this! " he said passionately!

" yup! "


Soon we reached home, and Natsu and I said our goodbyes.

But as Natsu started walking away, I had a feeling that I needed a hug before he left.

" hey Natsu! "
"Yeah? "
" can I.......... get a hug.... before you go? "

Natsu blushed, but nodded and walked up to me, and he gave me a nice hug, holding onto me and taking it in.

" I love you Lucy. "
" I love you too Natsu "

Then the front doors to the house bust open.


I cut levy off and pushed her Into the house,

" see you tomorrow Natsu! "
" hehe yup! "

With that I close the door and crack my knuckles while facing levy, that was on the floor.

" you ruined the moment levy! "

" I'm sorry senpai! Please forgive me! " levy screamed.

" nope! You ruined it. "

And to get her back, I grabbed levy's phone later that night and texted Gajeel really weird stuff! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

[ PLEASE READ!!!!! ]
Author's note!

So uh, I plan to end this story soon, and I'm sorry to ask of you fellow readers this again, but got any ideas for an ending?

I'm a terrible author for asking again!!!!! And once it's done, I will fix all the bad grammar and bad punctuation I did! And maybe even edit a few parts to make it officially complete! A lot of people have been waiting for an update for almost two months now on my story "Soul Mates"!!!! I apologize for that and I promise that once this story is done, I will work on that!!!

I'm sorry! And thank you for reading! Author-Chan appreciates it! (o^^o)

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