Part 4

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Lucy and Natsu didn't talk to each other on the way back to class. Just awkward silences and natsu's failed attempts to start conversations. Lucy wanted to talk to Natsu and tell him everything about her strange power. But she knew she couldn't, it would just Hurt him and her. So she kept her mouth shut.

Eventually they made it back to their class. The door opened and everyone was excited and joking around with Natsu. They didn't even notice that Lucy was walking in with him.

" hey Natsu! Did you feel like you were gonna "puke" again " said Gray teasing the pink haired boy.

" no idiot, I took Lucy to the nurse, remember? " Natsu said a little annoyed.

" who? " Natsu didn't get it. Why does everyone forget Lucy? Even the nurse didn't know her until she picked up her ID.

Natsu looked over to Lucy, she was listening to music and was on her notebook again.

Natsu sighed as the teacher came in starting class.

" alright I'm starting with roll call, and this time answer if it's really you. Yesterday Natsu answered for Gray, and Gray answered for Natsu! "

Everyone laughed and the teacher began going through the list of names. Eventually the teacher got through it all. But Natsu knew he missed someone.

" Um teacher you forgot someone! " Natsu alerted the teacher.

" uh? Really I could've sworn I got everyone, who did I miss? "

Natsu got up and went over to Lucy, she didn't notice him till he grabbed her arm that she was using to write. She was startled by this but Natsu smiled at her.

" you forgot Lucy! "

The teacher was surprised by this and looked over the list of students again.

" oh I'm sorry, there are a lot of students with a name like that, I'm sorry I forgot your name..... Uh..... What was it again? " he said nervously laughing.

" it's Lucy!!!! Lucy Heartfilia!! " Natsu slightly yelled at the teacher for his forgetfulness.

She forcibly removed her arm out of his grasps and went back to her notebook.

Natsu noticed the slight blush on her cheeks and was a little happy that she didn't get mad at what he did.

He hated that people forget her and that she's all alone. But he knows that she's hiding something from him. And he just wants to make this girl feel that, she's not alone.

Natsu hates it when people get bullied and are all alone. He's felt that, and he made friends to stop that. So he is going to rescue this girl from loneliness and find out what was so terrifying that made her cry today.

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