Part 8

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Natsu, Lucy, Levy, and Gajeel all walked to school together. Lucy and levy were getting along as if they've known each other for years. Natsu was proud of Lucy, and happy that she will no longer be alone since levy is a very loyal friend.

And Lucy seemed to be especially happy. While they were walking, people would often stare and whisper " who's the blonde girl? " Natsu was starting to get irritated but he had to hold his anger since Lucy wouldn't want him to make a scene.

Unfortunately Gajeel and levy were in different classes than Lucy and Natsu. But they all promised to have lunch together at the rooftop. As Lucy entered the classroom with Natsu, the teacher walked in soon after.

" alright class we have a new student, he was homeschooled for a while so please treat him nicely. Come on in and introduce yourself "

After that the door opened and a boy with spiky orange hair walked in. He saw Lucy and winked at her. Lucy was very confused by that but figured that the wink wasn't for her.

" hello everyone my name is Leo, but you can call me Loke if you like "
All the girls were screaming and saying how hot he was. Lucy rolled her eyes and decided to take out her music since the teacher wouldn't even notice.

" miss Heartfilia this is not the time for music! Put it away or I'll take it!! " the teacher scolded.

Lucy stood still for a while not understanding what just happened. The teacher remembered her name and even knew she was there. This is very unusual.

Lucy did as she was told and thought for a while. Natsu turned around and looked at her to see how she was doing. But also got scolded from the teacher as well.


After school the new kid went up to Lucy.

" hey um... Mind if I talk to you for a bit in private "

Today was weird for Lucy. So many people are noticing her. But this is also making Lucy happy.  People are talking to her and are noticing that she's is there. Maybe this is all thanks to Natsu.

Lucy agreed and waited for the classroom to clear out. Natsu waited outside the door but also eavesdropped on their conversation.

" your name is Lucy Heartfilia right? "

Lucy nodded at his question.

" well you see..... I'm the boy your mother saved from the car accidents a couple years ago. "

Lucy's eyes widened and started to tear up at the mentioning of her mother.

" I wanted to thank you and your mother, is she alright? I know it's been a couple years. " he said nervously laughing hoping that the mother is doing fine.

" actually...... She um passed away right after the accident "

Loke's eyes widened this time. Lucy saw that sadness and pity was in his heart. It's always pity, every time Lucy tells something sad about her family.

" I'm sorry for your loss, but I am extremely grateful for your mother saving me " loke smiled.

Lucy smiled back and loke wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Meanwhile Natsu was listening in on the conversation and jealousy came over him. But he is very confused on why he's feeling that way.

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