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The wait at the door was almost painful. To Sora, at least. Jax had a certain rage building up within him, though he'd never let it show in front of the smaller male. He couldn't stand the thought of abuse of any sorts, so he was keen to see the woman at fault.

After what seemed like an age, the door eventually opened. Standing on the other side of the door was an average sized woman with brown hair pulled back into a simple braid that cascaded to her lower back. Her eyes were slightly made up, with mascara and eyeshadow in various shades of brown. Honestly, she was nothing like Jax had imagined.

"Oh," She sounded mildly surprised, her hazel gaze drifting from Sora, to Jax, and then back down to her son. "Where have you been, baby boy?" She spoke in a soft coo-like tone, and Sora tensed up as he was suddenly pulled into an embrace by her mother.

Jax remained silent for a few moments longer, observing the scene with a somewhat skeptical eye. Something about this... Didn't seem right.

The brown haired male then cleared his throat and smiled once he gained the woman's attention. "I'm awfully sorry for worrying you, ma'am. Sora was caught in yesterday's rainstorm and I figured that I should take him home to dry up a little bit. He looked... Pretty shaken up, I suppose."

Sora glanced over at Jax, a questioning glint shimmering within his mismatched hues. However, he didn't voice his confusion and instead lowered his gaze once more.

"Oh, thank you! I'm sorry for any inconvenience that my son has caused you." She insisted with a small smile, letting go of Sora and leaning against the doorframe. "You can call me Kathy." The newly introduced Kathy smiled up at Jax, twirling a loose lock or hair around her long finger.

Jax had to admit, he didn't like how this woman was acting. On top of making him feel uncomfortable, in a way, he could tell that this was all some kind of facade. Through the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but notice that Sora's figure had disappeared deeper into the house.

"Kathy," Jax began after a moment, forcing a small smile at the woman before him. Being a host, he had certainly learnt how to perfect a false smile. "Do you think that we could have a little talk? If that is alright with you, that is."

Kathy looked somewhat surprised by Jax's question, yet immediately nodded her head and stepped aside to invite the handsome man inside. "Of course! Come on in; would you like anything to drink or eat?"

In response to her question, Jax shook his head and stepped inside. He shut the door behind him, "No, that's quite alright. Is there anywhere that we can sit?"

Kathy nodded her head immediately, "Of course! Just follow me, we can sit in the living room." With a slight bounce in her step, the woman led Jax through the small corridor towards the living room.

The long haired male followed, yet the friendly and attractive glint within his emerald irises disappeared from sight as he stared at the back of her head. She was disgusting. Putrid, vile, repulsing.

He could tell what she was hiding, and he didn't like it one bit.


|Author's Note|
I'm just realising how short these chapters are, I'm sorry ;;
I haven't been active on Wattpad at all, I've been devoting my time to my Instagram account. Why don't you give it a follow?
My Instagram is: @/h.oseki

Thanks for reading this chapter!

Goodnight, darling. || BxBWhere stories live. Discover now