13: So Done I'm Calling B.S

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   "DIVANIIIIIIIIII!" Told you I didn't need an alarm. I had a good time with Aidan and Aliya, for some reason every time I thought of him I smiled. I'm not going to deny it I'm attracted to him again. He's so sweet and simple and not confusing and frustrating like Connor.
   After flipping about in bed for another fifteen minutes I finally got up to get ready. Monday had finally arrived and I'm actually pretty happy because it's finally fall. Fall just has this happy aura and cozy scent, I can't get enough of it. Not to mention my eighteenth birthday is coming up. Since I'm in such a good mood I decided to actually put some effort into the way I looked. I washed up and put on a chunky knit sweater and a pair of ripped jeans. I even added some eye liner and a swipe of lipgloss. You know those days where you just look really good and in return you feel really good? Yeah it's one of those days.
   "Divani! What took you so long?" Honestly my mom doesn't understand that as long as I get ready on time it's O K. She's always like, 'No you have to be ready early!' and honestly I end up having thirty minutes to blow on my phone. Then she yells at me for using my phone too much. Yeah it's also one of those mornings where I'm a whiny ass bitch. Deal with it.

   "Dude you had a guy sleepover at your house?" Aakash was completely bewildered. Yes he still exists we talk every now and then but he's mostly with Connor. Speaking of the devil..
   "Hey," he flashed me a smile and dropped it as soon as he saw I wasn't going to return it. He quickly turned to Aakash to recover, "What's this I hear about sleeping over with guys?" He raised a pointed eyebrow at us. I just rolled my eyes and began to walk away.
   "Divani why are you trying to do this?" What was he on about...
   "What do you mean?" I questioned turning around not caring that I was late for class.
   "Trying to make me jealous?" Wow...
   "I was doing no such thing the guy was just a friend."
   "You don't have to try so hard you know.. I already like you.." Just like that, with that one line, it was over. I told you I knew what people were like immediately and he would always just be the jerk face Sophmore.
   "No you don't. If you really liked me or Aliya you would choose one of us and spare the other the heart ache because you sure as hell cant have both of us."
   "Divani..." I turned away and turned back deciding to make this a whole lot easier for him.
   "Choose the one girl who actually still likes you. Treat her well and don't let her go." With that I finally walked to math feeling happier and more at peace than I had in days.
   Math was pretty slow and Connor kept looking over at me but it was fairly easy to ignore him. I didn't need to care for him, I mean he never did for me. There was something else on my mind now. I really wanted to tell Aidan how I felt before it's too late. I mean the break up was mutual and he says he would like to get back together right? Then again that situation was hypothetical. Soon enough the bell rang and the only thing I could think of was talking to Aidan. I packed up and quickly rushed to my car, if I left now I could probably make it to his school before it let out.
   I drove to his private school and made it there right on time. I sighed relieved and texted him to meet me in the parking lot. He replied immediately with a yes and a smiley face. For once I was going to do something good for myself. I fidgeted around in my car until I saw his frame emerge from the gates. I thought I would be nervous, having second thoughts and stuff but I'm not. I'm ready.
   "Hey babe what's up?" I tried to keep myself calm but he just called me babe omgomgomgomg.
   "I have to talk to you." He nodded and got into the passenger seat once he was in I turned towards him and handed him something.
   His smiled and his eyes crinkled with remembrance. It was the ice cream he had given me when asking me out, the supposed reason I had said yes. It was red velvet from Ben and Jerry's, our favorite. I took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eye.
   "Aidan will you go out with me?"


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