6: Operation "Calm the Kraken"

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A/N: I will usually never start a chapter with an authors note, but I just wanted to let you guys know that your support means a lot. I mean I hope you guys like what you're reading so please continue to read, vote, and comment! Oh and the chapter picture is Connor ;)

I was in a black box and there were no doors or windows. I wasn't really sure how I ended up here but I do remember the party. I paced around the room and I was completely calm for some reason, somehow I just had this feeling that it wasn't real. I kept hearing this otherworldly voice speaking to me as if it were standing outside of the box and I was compelled to answer.
   "How could you be so stupid?" The voice boomed, it sounded vaguely familiar but I couldn't figure out who it was.
   "I was just bored and lonely, how was I supposed to know! It was my first party! In the books this usually happens during the fifth or sixth one." I cried incredulously. Honestly, what if this voice is God? Holy shit I should be more polite. Wait, he can probably read my mind, I should stop cursing. GO AWAY IMPURE THOUGHTS.
   "Your first party?" The voice quieted.
   "Yeah I hate to admit it but Connor's made my life a lot more interesting."
    "You don't say.." I could almost hear the smirk in the voice. Wait a minute is the voice...
   "Connor!" I gasped, opening my eyes. I was in someone's room wearing someone else's clothes.
   "You're finally awake sleepy head." Connor slowly sauntered over to me and collapsed beside me. This must be his room and...his clothes.
   I tried to keep my voice even and restrained myself from clawing out his face. "Did you change my clothes?" He got up and stretched, in turn making all his muscles flex, in turn making me very uncomfortable.
   "Like what you see? Take a..."
    "Picture it'll last longer I know. Now answer my question."
   A sheepish grin took hold of his face. " You see you were covered in vomit so I had to change you!" He looked for a reaction and continued. "Don't worry though, my eyes were closed. I have experience." He winked and hopped onto his desk facing me. Now that that was out of the way.
   "So what happened last night?"
   "Nothing much someone spiked your drink so you fainted. I took Aliya home but you were in no condition to tell me where you lived so I brought you here." That was actually pretty sweet of him.
   "What time is it?"
   "I'd say 'round 9 am."
   "Shit holy mother of fudge balls." My parents. My great. Amazingly strict. Indian. INDIAN. Parents. Are. Home.
   "DIVANI!" So my friends it has begun. If I die play Rihanna at my funeral and don't serve chocolate cake. No one deserves to be happy if I can't be.
   "Yes mummy!"
   "Please come to the living room now." You know it's really bad when she starts talking in a calmer tone.
   "Coming!" I hurriedly threw my shoes off and zipped up my jacket hoping she wouldn't notice the clothes.
   Both my mom and dad were seated on the couch. My dad watching cricket with no care in the world and my mom practically willing me to die on the spot.
   "Divani, why didn't you come home last night?" Her tone was gentle but I could see her jaw clenching and unclenching.
  "I slept over at Aliya's. Sorry I didn't tell you, her parents were fighting again so she didn't want to stay home alone." Step 1 of operation "Calm the Kraken" is to transfer the blame while feeding them gossip and to make yourself sound like the better person.
   "Again? I tell Sona to stop fighting it isn't good for the home environment." My mom replied, sadly shaking her head. See it's working! Now Step 2 is to be polite and mature.
   "However, I do understand that that's no excuse for not calling. You must have been worried and I wasn't being very responsible." They look appeased for now but there's one thing you should know about the Kraken. Once it's in the mood to yell, it will yell.

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