11: Bloody Brilliant Hell

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   "Hey what are you guys up to?" Aliya sang as she pecked Connor on the cheek and slung her arm over my shoulders.

   "Nothing. Just chatting." Connor replied smoothly. See I know he was just trying to play it off cool but the devilish part of me wanted to be mad at him and be all like "CHATTING THAT'S ALL THAT WAS TO YOU!" but I try to keep the evil at bay. It ain't easy.

   "Yeah Connor was just wondering what we were watching tonight." I'm pretty sure it's not a good thing but I'm a pretty great liar. Not to toot my own horn or anything but.. TOOT TOOT.

   "Oh cool!" She smiled and hugged Connor goodbye.

   "Shall we proceed m 'lady?" She questioned as she gestured to her car.

   "Indeed we shall." I grinned and hopped into the passenger seat.

I plugged in my phone and let my playlist blast through the car. I thought Aliya didn't see anything but she kept quirking her eyebrows. See that may not mean anything to you, but to me it means she's worried. I tried to distract myself and deny it but the inevitable question kept coming up, did she see us kiss? I mean it wasn't lip on lip or anything but it was still a kiss.

   The rest of the drive just confirmed my worries. She didn't get all hyped up when Rihanna came on and she didn't gush about how cute Drake and Rihanna would be when Drake came on. Something was seriously wrong.

   We got out of the car and I was just debating on whether I should ignore her or confront her when she quietly mumbled my name.

"Did you say something?" She sighed and turned towards me and my inner turmoil just continued to grow. She couldn't have possible seen us.. right?

"I'm sorry," she said simply. I just gaped at her, that was definitely not what I was expecting. Why was she sorry?

"Um Aliya... why the hell are you sorry?"

"For forgetting about you. At first I thought you were avoiding me," well, not you exactly, "then I realized that was complete bull shit you would never do that to me." Yup guilt kicking in in about 3-2- now.

"It's okay you really like him and you were just caught up in your new relationship." She beamed and hugged me like I was stuffed toy. Which I clearly am not.

"Div, you're the best." It was so cheesy and my conscience was far from clear but, we were happy. That's all that matters.

We linked arms like little school girls and skipped towards my house. Now I'm going to go off on a little tangent here but I swear you will see the relevance soon. So, I have a pet squirrel. I know you're probably wondering what nut job (ha see what I did there) has a pet squirrel? Well you see my parents wouldn't let me have a pet so I dubbed our frisky backyard squirrel my pet. You see William (the squirrel) really enjoys burying acorns and leaving them around helter skelter. So of course I have to trip over the stupid nut and face plant in my moms garden. You may think the first thing running through my mind is "OW" but it was actually "SHIT". My mom loves her plants more than me. I had to take some therapy but I've finally come to terms with it. It's a good thing she's not home.

"Oh my god!" Aliya cackled doubling over with laughter. "Leave it to you to ruin a happy skipping moment." I just brushed the dirt off my face and replanted the marigold. Hopefully she wouldn't notice.

"Divani! Are you outside? I was waiting for you to get home before I left for my shift!" Aliya continued to snort (weird ass) but as soon as she saw my eyes widen she stopped.

"Div what's wrong?"

"My mom's going to kill me if she notices."

"Div I'm sure she won't get worked up over one stupid flower."

"Dude. I have pollen allergies but she still insists on putting plants in my room."


"Yeah." I could hear my mom thudding down the stairs and towards the door. I quickly straightened up and leaped away from the scene of crime.

"Hello gir..," she stopped and looked at me curiously, "Divani are you okay?"

"Ya just fine.." I prayed she couldn't see the beads of sweat trickling down my nose.

"Uhuh sure. Well have fun girl I've got to go." She waved goodbye and backed out of the drive way.

"See was that so bad?" I sighed poor naïve Aliya.

"Honey, she noticed. She just didn't want to yell at me in front of you." See I used to hate this when I was younger. If me and my friends ever did anything wrong I would pray that they would stay forever because I knew as soon as I left my mom was going to rain down on me like hell. Aliya's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to apologize again but I shook my head no. Let us enjoy my last night of freedom happily.

We finally made it inside in one piece and settled on to the couch with our junk. I wanted to make it all aesthetically pleasing but I ended up dumping all the candies and popcorn in a bowl, I'm a slob, sue me.

"So what do you want to watch?" I asked unwillingly standing up and heading towards the dvd collection.

"I'm in Harry Potter kind of mood." That my friends is the best mood. There was just something so magical about Harry Potter that just intoxicated you with its wondrous whimsy. I grinned and popped in the first movie and settled onto the couch. We were gushing about how young Harry was but we went a little crazy when the three of them met for the first time on the Hogwarts Express. Honestly it is just so attractive when the characters say..

Suddenly Aliya dropped her bowl. "Bloody hell," she muttered. I turned my head intrigued and slightly distressed at the mess she had made.

What I saw made my heart stop. "Well this is just brilliant."

He just chuckled.

A/N: HEYYYYYY omg guys this is like half way!!!! WHAAAT?!! Please continue to read and vote :) SPREAD THE LOVE MY LIL BROWNIESSSS!

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