7: Romeo Quit Throwin' Pebbles You're Going To Break Something

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A/N: Yes I know I said I wouldn't do this. I just wanted to let you know that the above picture is of Divani and that, WE'RE ALMOST AT 200 VIEWS!!! Love you guys ❤️
   As predicted the Kraken did yell. Honestly the whole day I felt like they were just waiting for me to do something wrong so they could yell at me. Eventually when I didn't do anything wrong my mom just started about how I never do anything right and how I suck at everything. Of course when I bring up my straight A's she's just like that isn't enough. Honestly guys, I don't know how I've survived all these years. Then eventually she feels guilty so she makes my favorite food. So now I'm upstairs savoring the left over taste of paneer* in my mouth.
   "Divani! It's getting late and we have to go to a puja* tomorrow! Go to sleep." My mom called from down stairs. I mean I'm not in the mood to get yelled at anymore so I just jumped into bed without protest.
   I kind of fell into a restless sleep. I was hot and clammy and I kept hearing someone calling my name. Wait, was someone calling my name? I scrambled out of bed and ran towards the window. Sure enough Connor was throwing pebbles at my window and calling my name.
"Dude shut up my parents will hear."
"Sorry just wanted to check on you. You looked a little frazzled when you left my house."
"I'm fine just leave already will you?"
"Okay Juliet catch you later." That made me blush. Thank goodness it was dark outside.
"Oh by the way I'm not a stalker Aliya gave me your address."
"Go away you creeper." He chuckled and got into his car and drove off. I fell asleep eventually, but for some reason, I couldn't stop smiling.
"Divani beta! It's time to go to the puja are you ready?" I'm never mentally ready for pujas. They're less about God more about auntys fussing and gossiping about you. Like honestly you're all going to hell you crusty hoes.
"Yeah give me a second!" I adjusted my clothes trying to be as conservative as possible.
As soon as we entered the designated puja house the eyes locked on me. The auntys looked at me expressionless and I awaited their judgement. It's as if time was frozen and all I could hear was my heart beat. Finally, one by one, the corners of their lips turned up. I smiled back and they nodded at me as if they were granting access into some elite group. Like the Taylor Swift squad or something.
I went in and sat with the other kids. Somehow no matter how old I am the kids there are always either ten years older or ten years younger. Like I'm either the baby sitter or the baby sitted. Yes I'm aware that isn't a real word. Usually Aliya is at these things but I don't see her. She could be running late.
I was just beginning to talk to some third graders and sing some bhajans* when I heard a soft collective gasp from the general area of the auntys. Yikes, I would not want to be on the receiving end of that gasp.
I slowly turned and saw none other than Aliya walking towards me completely oblivious of the auntys glares. I love Aliya but sometimes she was just so...unaware. She's always lost in her own world and completely ignorant. She could be wearing the shortest skirt in the world but she would sit with her legs completely spread apart, or the lowest cut top and she would bend over with out care. I'm guessing the reason the auntys gasped is because her bra straps were showing and she showed up late. I mean Indians have the tendency to be late but that won't stop them from judging others who come even later.
Unfortunately since I'm friends with Aliya I'm basically bad by association. Honestly though get a grip women, no one needs to call Victoria, her secret's been out.
"Dude I owe you big time."
"Well don't laugh at me this is serious."
   "Okay, shoot."
   "I think I'm in love with Connor." I saw this coming but for some reason, it still hurt.
Bhajans: Indian hymns and songs about God.
Paneer: Indian savory food made of cottage cheese.
Puja: When people pray to God in a group. Could be in a temple or a house as long as there is a deity of a God.

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