Chapter 23

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Harry's P.O.V.

There were people everywhere.

Waiting in front of the various foodtrucks. Looking for their seats in the blocks of chairs next to the start and finish line. Standing at different points of the track we would be driving.

And seeing that the race hadn't started yet they were also walking over the track.

I was leaning against my baby, my yellow Lamborghini that I had driven so many races with, making sure nobody came too close. I loved this car. More than any of my other cars.

Vee was leaning next to me, watching the crowd with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Her eyes were wide and she seemed to try to capture every single aspect of her surroundings.

"Who's that?" she would say every now and then, grabbing my arm with one hand and pointing into a direction with the other one, her eyes never leaving whoever she had just spotted.

Whenever I closed my eyes, the images of the night before would flood my mind. Her body. Me kissing every single inch of it. The pictures would flash in front of my eyes over and over again. But that wasn't everything. I could still feel her tight grip on my arms, her finger tips lightly pressing into my back or running down my chest. God, I could even still hear her soft moans vibrate in my ear.

"Hey, man, you ready?"

The thick American accent snapped me out of my imagination and I took in the man standing in front of me.


A little shorter than me, in his late 40s, most of the time seen drinking whiskey or smoking a cigarette. He planned my races, he took care of the many bets people made, he was what you would call my manager.

I answered him by a simple nod.

"Who's your lady friend?" he said, checking out Vee with a smirk and winking at her, while she looked at him in a curious way.

"My girlfriend," I answered him, narrowing my eyes at him, trying to get the message across that if he'd as much as look at her in the wrong way, he would have to expect severe consequences.

Even though we didn't have the friendliest relationship, Norman and I respected eachother and I knew he wouldn't cross me. I was way too valuable to him.

"Yeah, man, no big deal," Norman answered and I knew the topic was off the table and I would pose no threat. Something that I couldn't say about the rest of the guys that were around and - in most cases - already a little tipsy, hollering and shouting after the quite limited number of girls present. And most of these girls didn't even look half as good as Vee did and she had really outdone herself tonight.

She was wearing a black lace dress over one of my black band shirts - in this case a Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd shirt - with fishnets, a leather jacket and black boots with heels. She looked so hot that we had arrived half an hour later than we had originally intended to due to the simple fact that I hadn't been able to keep my fucking hands off of her. Even now it took all my willpower not to take her hand and pull her into the Lamborghini with me and make its windows fog up, something that I had never done before. I usually didn't even let girls see my most precious possession, let alone let them sit in it.

"Got your coke!" Jake had fought his way through the crowd, a cup in each hand. He handed one of them to Vee and proceded to lean against the Lamborghini.

"Stop right there!" I said, giving him an angry look. "There's no touching the car!"

Jake looked at me in disbelief. "But she's touching it!" he exclaimed, pointing at Vee who was still leaning against the car right next to me, my arm around her.

RaceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon