Chapter 3

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My first impression of Jake had been confirmed. He was one of the nicest and most helpful people I had met in my life yet. Between all the talking about our families and school and dreams, he had also been able to show me where the super market was. Which was quite useful since now, a day later, I had run out of the small assortment of groceries that I had brought from home.

On the way to the super market I went through our conversation again. Basically, you could say that Jake was completely normal. He had been an average student. His parents were still together. He wasn't rich but not poor either. He was down-to-earth, funny and nice. Adding to that he didn't look too bad. If you wanted a perfect and peaceful life he was the one to choose. But that was exactly why I could tell there would never be something between us even though I had just met him. I needed the kind of chemistry that left you breathless, that made you addicted. I needed someone that I couldn't just be happy with. I needed someone that I could fight with even if it was about the most ridiculous things. Even if there was no reason to fight. Just another way to show passion.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized where I was going. Even though I hadn't been paying too much attention to our exact path while taking the walk with Jake, I definitely knew that we hadn't passed this street. All the streets we had been light, friendly and lined by tall trees left and right.

I turned around, observing the deserted surroundings, looking for a detail that I'd recognize. My eyes wandered over the high buildings that looked somewhat shabby but there was nothing that looked familiar. Somewhere, deeply concentrated on my thoughts, I must've taken a wrong turn. Or a few.

I felt nervousness creep up, giving me goosebumps. My breathing went slightly faster but it was enough to make me realize I was about to panic.

I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. If I just followed the street I had been coming from I'd probably find my way back home or at least a main street or something. That seemed like the logical thing to do.

I turned around and determinedly began to go back into the direction I had come from, clutching the tote bag that I had brought for the groceries to calm myself.

How dumb could I be? My sense of orientation was normally quite good but then again, I normally paid attention to where I was walking and was not too caught up in being an idiot and thinking of my non-existent love life. In a city I had only lived in for a few days, that was definitely not the smartest thing to do. At least my parents would bring my car along in a few days so I'd have a better way to explore the city - GPS did have its advantages.

But for now I needed to find my way back which I was afraid seemed harder than expected. What should lead to some kind of road or at least a public place proved to be a street that seemed to become more narrow with every step I took. The buildings surrounding me turned even more derelict and dark, standing so close to eachother that they let next to no sunlight touch the ground. I wrapped my arms around my torso that was only covered by a thing longsleeved floral dress, trying to shield my body from the cold that was starting to creep up my limbs.

The inevitable realisation began to sink in: I had completely gotten lost. And this in what seemed like the most deserted and ugliest part of this whole city.

With trembling fingers I attempted to retrieve my iPhone from my tote bag. After a few seconds I gave up, having to admit that no matter how furiously I'd push the buttons, I wouldn't be able to switch it on. There was no battery left. What was this? A horror movie where the phone conveniently decided to be dead in the situation you needed it the most in? The thought raised goosebumps all over my body and I swallowed a sob.

I only had one possibility left. Keep walking and hope I'd find someone who'd help me. Which I highly doubted. This wasn't the place for friendly and helpful people. This was the place where a young girl most definitely shouldn't wander around alone. If my Mom knew where I currently was, she would probably have a heartattack.

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