I took a deep breath and concentrated, "Clipeum."

A blue bubble of energy formed around me. I smiled proud when the spell just bounced off the wall of my bubble.

John' jaw tightened as he tried hard, but still nothing. John put his hands down slowly and then smiled, turned to Zoe and Beau and pointed the wand at them.

"Mittere ad ima, ubi sunt!"

The wand glowed and red shot out of it tword Zoe and Beau.

I concentrated on them and soon they where in the bubble too. John growled in frustration.


I snapped my head to see Kyle and Jake running in.

"I told you to stay with Kayla." I yelled at Kyle

Kyle shook his head, "She's fine."

"Ah Jake. Nice of you to join us." John smirked

But Jake didn't care he raised his hands and chanted, "DEBILITO!"

John froze.

"Kyle get the wand!" I yelled getting weak from the sheild I'm casting.

Kyle ran over to John, but John broke out and punched him. Kyle stumbled back holding his nose and glaring at Jake.

"Mittere ad inferos nullus effugere nemo reperire uiam!" he circled the wand above his head as it shot out a bolt of energy

It broke my sheild into pieces and threw everyone back. John's eyes were glowing and the cave rumbled.

"What's happening?" I called

"He's destroying the cave, trying to kill us." Zoe answered helping Beau up, "We've got to get out of here."

I took off my shirt and handed it to Zoe, "You might want this."

She looked down and blushed grabbing the shirt and quickly pulling it over her head.

I helped Zoe get Beau up and put his arm around my neck as Kyle took the other side. Everyone headed tword the cave's entrance, but another shot of energy and the cave's entrance's arch fell in, blocking our only exit.

"We're trapped." said Kyle as Jake stepped ahead to try to dig through

"It's no use it's all rocks." said Jake turning around to face us giving us a look

Zoe and Jake looked at me, I looked back.

"We won't go down without a fight." smiled Kyle

Jake and Zoe nodded.

Kyle and I set Beau down against the wall and we ran to John, only to get knocked down by yet another bolt of energy.

We got back up, but John looked at us, his eyes where glowing. rocks and dirt were covering us as the cave continued to shake.

"How are we going to stop him?" asked Kyle as we fought against another energy burst

I looked around losing hope that we actually die in this cave. I can't I promised Kayla, I promised our child. I have to make it out.

I ran at John and he pointed the wand at me letting a serge of lightening shoot out and hit me. I fell to the ground jerking, it felt like someone tazered me.

Jake grabbed my shoulders and pulled me out of the way just as a bolder fell, almost crushing me.

"What do we do?" asked Zoe kneeling next to Beau, who passed out a few minutes ago

I shake my head, there's nothing we can do at this point. Just either let death take us or pray for a miracle. And I gave her a look that said just that.

She grasped Beau's hand and took mine as well. She smiled and I smiled back. It'll be ok.

"Iris. Zoe. Look." said Kyle eyes looking to the back of the cave

A little water was breaking in near the back of the cave, quickly filling the cave.

"But we're not near any water." I stated looking at it more closely

It snaked toward us, but it wasn't ordinary it moved like it was being controlled. The water sprouted up and took the shape of a girls head.

She was facing John as she raised her hand and chanted, "Iussu imminui Precipio vobis discedere. Praecipio tibi ut pereat, et signata in regno inferno, nec respexerunt."

Blue light shined through her palm and onto John. He kept moving the wand but he started to glow blue. He made a face and then a flash and he was gone, letting the wand fall to the floor with a click clack and the cave stopped shaking.

The girl turned to face us and....

"Hello brother." smiled Emily she turned to everyone else, "Hello."

"Emily?" I asked making sure it was her

"Yes Iris it is me, but I can't stay long. I'm going home Iris, to be with Mom." she smiled again and looked at the rocks that blocked our entrance and held her hand out, "Dimisit. "

The rock shifted to the side leaving a pathway to get out. She looked at Beau and frowned. She kneeled down and placed a kiss on his cheek, which melted into his skin. A few seconds later he gasped.

"Shh brave one you're alright." Emily smiled and stood up walking to Jake next and placing a kiss on his lips, "I love you Jake and do not blame Iris. John did not play fair. I love you."

Jake's eyes watered up, but he quickly hid it, "I'll miss you."

She smiled, "We will be tougher again, but do not hurry. I want you to live a full life. For me?"

Jake smiled sadly, "I will."

She ran her finger against his cheek and walked to me.

"Iris, there was so much I wanted to do with you. Mostly just brother and sister stuff, but just like I told Jake it was not your fault I died. I know we will be together again, but again don't hurry." she smiled at me and kissed my cheek, "Bye."

I watched her as she walked off and slowly faded away. I sighed "Come on let's go. It's over now."

Kyle picked up the wand, "What do we do with this?"

Jake smirked and took the wand out of Kyle's hands, "I have the perfect place, but we're going to need help."

I nodded knowing what he was thinking.


Almost over! Lol I hope you like it please tell me what you think :)

Also do you know what language they're speaking? If you know leave a comment.

<3 Mell

The Son of a Mermaidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें