There was a long silence. Everyone was now concerned. He was awaiting for an answer when Colton decided to stall. "Are you working with them?"

"Not directly, but we talk. I only use them so they could handle all of my problems for me. For example, if I told them about you, they'd sweep you away from my life for good." He grinned with confidence. "Don't worry though, I haven't spoken a word about your group yet but just think about it. Quit trying to find her and we can happily go our separate ways. If not, I'll be glad to expose you guys."

"Then game on. We're not giving up," Colton announced almost instantly.

Everyone in the van looked up at him in shock. "Are you insane?" Delsin whispered.

The smirk was wiped off of Victor's face when he received the unexpected answer. "Why do you want her anyway? Is it to expand your tiny shit of a group? What's the goal?"


He raised his eyebrows. "Freedom? Sounds like bullshit to me." He shrugged. "Well, I tried. Better enjoy your final moments before I notify The Silvers."

"Go ahead. You can't stop us," Colton boldly stated.

"It's now thirty-nine of us plus the Silvers against you seven. Oh and don't forget poor old Ace. We'll easily take the win."

"We'll see about that," Colton said as he restarted the engine. The van backed away and bolted off immediately leaving Victor in isolation.

"Why didn't you just lie to him?" yelled Em in frustration. "Now we're screwed."

"Either way we'd be screwed. We just need to be more careful," Colton calmly said.

"They'll find us."

"Victor's group has never been physically found by the Silvers. Do you really think they're good at searching?"

She shook her head. "That's because they haven't put the effort into doing so. For the past few years they've been brainstorming ideas and creating gadgets in order capture the injected. They barely just started putting it to use. I overheard them talk in a diner one night."

"It took them this long to get prepared?"

Em nodded. "Seems like they've been cooking up a big storm."

"Well I guess we're in a lot of danger now," Riley mumbled. "Just great."

"Victor will probably give them our descriptions. We need disguises," said Em.

They arrived at the casino to find nothing but gamblers and old men. There were no signs of Scarlet so they didn't bother sticking around.
That night they waited in a motel while Em was out fetching clothing and material for their disguises. Meanwhile, Violet was in the bathroom dying her hair. She stayed in there, replaying the incident. Right before they left, Victor gave her a strange look. Usually, he would've glared or smirked but it wasn't like that. She got goosebumps just thinking about it so she decided to leave the bathroom.

"Whoa. I almost didn't recognize you," Colette said. "It's even darker than the previous color but it really suits you."

"Thanks." Violet looked around. "Where's everyone else?"

"They're doing their business."

Violet understood what that meant but didn't let it get to her. Instead, she grabbed her wallet, which only had a few twenties remaining. "I'm going to order some food from the snack bar they have down the hall. Want to come?"

Colette nodded her head. "Sure, why not?"

Violet paid for a sandwich and was surprised on how good it was. She hadn't had anything like it in a while.

"Whoa you seem hungry," said Colette.

"This is just so good." Violet smiled. "It reminds me of home when our maid Aubrey would make snacks."

"Do you miss home?" Colette asked.

"Sure I do, but my parents would kill me if I ever returned," she replied softly. She didn't want to think of them.

"Well you're here with us now. I know it may not seem like it, but I know some of us are glad to have you here. I'm honestly amazed by how brave you've been to put up with all this."

Violet finished the last few bites. "I mean I have to, don't I? It's the only option."

"I guess, but you don't have to consider it like that."

When they opened the door, everyone was already back including Em. "Everyone choose what you want to wear." She threw a bag of clothes and wigs onto the bed. Riley was the first to dig right in.

"Hm, I wonder what it would be like to go blonde." Riley held up a blonde wig to her face in front of a mirror. "I'm taking it."

They all spent an hour figuring out who wore what. After they finished, they stood side to side and viewed themselves as a whole.

"Man, we look like a group of clowns. This is perfect," Aiden said and laughed. Everyone was surprised at his reaction and fell silent.

Taking quick action to break the awkwardness, Em joined in and laughed out loud. "Oh my god, Delsin. You look hilarious. You look like that one druggie from school that's stupid as hell." They all giggled except for Delsin, who was thinking of a comeback.

"You look like the emo girl who hates everyone." He threw his hands in the air. "It's not a phase mom."

Em dropped her jaw. "I actually prefer to be the cool, punk kid who's a lead singer in a band."

He snorted. "You wish."

Colette rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up, Delsin. At least she doesn't look like a druggie."

He put two fingers to his lips and sucked in air. "Four twenty blaze it." Colette burst out laughing and told him to stop.

"What do you guys think of me?" Everyone stared at Riley and stood speechless. She wore a tight tank top with a jacket zipped up to her cleavage along with some tiny shorts that looked like they were suffocating her hips.

"You're the slut who has no friends because all they want from you is sex," Aiden said.

Riley gawked at his response and then zipped up her jacket. "I'm not a slut."

"Sure," he replied.

"Let's not make this into an argument," Colton interrupted, although you could tell he found it funny.

Before he continued speaking, Em interrupted him. "Colton you look like the famous jock on the football team," she stated. She turned to Colette. "And you look like that innocent religious girl who carries the bible everywhere."

Colette grabbed a pillow and threw it at Em. "You asked for it."

Em laughed and continued. "Where did you and Delsin meet? Christian mingle?"

Everyone chuckled as Colette launched another pillow at Em. Soon, everyone was throwing pillows and destroying the room. Aiden was swatting Delsin who was attacking Colton on the floor and Riley was being chased by Em who was also being chased by Colette.

"Stop Colette! I'm an emo satan worshipper," Em cried.

Everyone was having fun and screaming while Violet watched from the corner. For once, she wanted to be included, but that was too good to happen. They weren't exactly her friends and she wasn't theirs. She turned to look in the mirror. She didn't look like she belonged in their group at all. There was no disguise. All she saw was herself.

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