"Let's go grab some Chick-fil-A."

"Hell yeah. That's so good."

"It's always packed though."

"Well let's go through the drive through and then tailgate in my truck. We can park in the parking lot and whip out some chairs if we want and put down the tailgate. Or just sit in the bed of the truck. There's room enough for all of us."

"That'll be so fun, you guys. Let's do it."

We all walked out of the house and made our way over to my truck where Garrett called shotgun and went in the front with me. The rest went in the back.

Once we arrived, we got in the drive through line and ordered when it was our turn. The lines here were usually long but that's only because the food was so good. Despite the lines being long, we always got in and out of them within fifteen minutes or less.

We parked and got down. We set the thick quilt that Roxy brought down in the bed of the truck and all hopped in the back with our bags of food in our hands. Carter and Garrett were the first to hop in. Carter sat on the side of the truck bed, while Garrett sat on the bed closer to the back window of the truck. Roxy handed Finn her bag of food and he hopped in and sat next to Carter on the bed side. I climbed in and held out my hand for Roxy to take so I could help her up in the truck bed. We sat opposite of the guys, right next to to each other, with our backs against the side of the truck bed.

We all dug in once we were situated. We all pretty much ate the same thing when we came here. A spicy chicken deluxe sandwich with no pickles. Well actually, Carter keeps the pickles on his sandwich. He actually likes them. We also order a thirty piece of their nuggets and share them.

"Anyone have any friends that are single? Friends that are girls," he clarified. "Roxy?"

"You guys are my only friends. Besides I don't know any girl that's single," she said before taking a sip of her lemonade. "Well except for Mena. She's single."

"Hell no," Finn answered, before he took a drink of his coke.

We all laughed.

"Relax, Finn. Mena's cool but not for me. I just thought I'd ask."

The rest of us pretty much shrugged our shoulders and continued to eat our food.

Once we got back to Finn's house, Carter, Garrett, and Finn sat on one couch, and they all grabbed a controller to play. Roxy and I sat on the opposite couch, where Roxy extended her legs and placed them over my lap. I leaned back in my seat and stretched out my arms across the top of the couch and arm rest.

I watched as the guys played the video games.

Roxy kept moving around. Her legs were fidgeting as she turned slightly back and forth.

"This position is hurting my back. I need a pillow," she spoke lightly. "Carter throw me that cushion. You don't need it."

"Yeah, I do. It's comfy on my back."

She groaned and then met my eyes before a smile spread on her lips.



She removed her legs from my lap, got up from the couch, and stood a few feet before me.

"Mind if I lay on you?"

"Go ahead."

A small squeal escaped her lips. Without hesitation, she sat back down on the couch and laid her back against me with her legs spread out on the couch. I turned slightly so her back now rested against my chest.

Without thinking, I slowly started playing with Roxy's hair. It smelled like fruit. Real sweet.

"That'll put me to sleep," she mumbled.

I stopped running my hands through it.

"No. Keep going, it feels nice," she said.

I did as she asked and continued to run my fingers through her hair.

"Do you know how to braid hair?" she questioned.

"No. But you can teach me sometime."


Roxy went back to looking at her phone, and I went back to watching the guys play video games. I could hear low music coming from Roxy's phone. I looked over briefly to see what was playing. It just seemed like she was watching a few videos of some couples or something. I couldn't really tell. I think she was on a social media page.

"That's so cute," she would whisper after seeing the videos on her phone screen. "I want something like that," she whispered. A whisper so low I thought I imagined it. "I want a date. Someone take me on a date," Roxy mumbled. Only this time a bit louder for everyone else to hear.

"What?" Garrett asked, prompting Roxy to sit up and sit on the opposite side of the couch.

"I said I want to go on a date but I don't have anyone. I'm not in a relationship. So no dates for me. It's been the longest time ever. I want to go on one," she paused. "Hey." A smile widened on her face. "One of you guys can be my date for this Saturday. Like an actual date. But in a friend way," she added. "Finn can't because he has Grace."

"What does that have to do with anything?" he asked, eyes still focused on the game.

"What are you going to tell her? That you're taking me out on a date?"

"I don't have to tell her that."

"So you're gonna lie?" Roxy raised an eyebrow.

"Well..." he turned to look at her.

"Finn, you're making this too complicated. That's why you can't take me on a date."

He nodded and focused his attention back to the screen.

"So which of you guys wants to go on a date with me?" She turned to us, eyes lingering back and forth between the rest of us. "We can go on a movie date."

Carter, Garrett, and I all shared looks. None of us said anything.

I was tempted to say something, but then Carter spoke up before I had the chance to.

"You know what, Roxy. I'm not talking to anybody. I haven't been on a date in awhile. I'm single and ready to mingle. I'll take you. Would you like to go on a date with me this Saturday?"


Carter nodded. "I'll choose the movie and surprise you."

"But not a scary movie."

"Of course not. So yeah? Me and you? Date this Saturday?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "Ooh. This is exciting. It's been a while since I've been on a date." She stood from the couch. "Time to plan an outfit." She walked up the stairs.

When Roxy was gone, Garrett sat up a little, set the controller down, and looked over Finn to see Carter.

"You better not bail," Garrett told him.

"I'm not gonna bail."

"You saw how excited she was. I swear, Carter, if you cancel last minute on—"

"Garrett, I won't."

"I'm just saying. You better not hurt her like that. She's looking forward to it."

"I know." He groaned.

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