Chapter 24 - Ryan

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It was half-past seven on a Saturday night. I was sitting on the couch at Finn's house, and the guys were getting ready to go to a party. I honestly didn't want to go. A party didn't sound good tonight.

"Roxy, get ready," Garrett told her.

She was sitting on the sofa on the other side of the room.

"Just leave me here. I don't want to go," she told him.

"You guys just go. I'll stay with her," Finn said, walking downstairs.

"No. Just go," she told him.

"I'll stay with her," I offered. "I don't want to go either."

"You guys should just watch a movie, if you guys don't want to go to the party," Carter told Roxy and me.

"We could do that." I looked over at Roxy.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Alright then. We're leaving. Rox, you have your key."

"Alright, see you guys later," she told them.

The three of them walked out the door. I looked over at Roxy who was looking down at her phone.

"Let's go get some ice cream?" I asked her.

"Yeah, let me get my things first." She stood from the couch and walked upstairs.

I stood and started turning off the lights in the kitchen and the living room.

"Ready to go." She walked down the stairs, with her bag slung over her right shoulder.

We walked out of the house and Roxy locked the door behind us. I opened the door to my truck and let her get in the passengers seat. She thanked me and I went around to get in the driver's seat.

We arrived not too long after, and we walked over to the shop. I told Roxy to save us a some seats outside, while I went inside to get some ice cream.

I walked outside to the outdoor tables. Roxy was sitting at a table for two. I sat down in the chair across from her, facing her.

"Here's your mint chocolate chip ice cream in an ice cream cup." I handed it to her.

"Thanks." She also took the spoon I gave her.

"What flavor did you get today?"

"I decided to get vanilla with m&ms."

She nodded, eating some of her ice cream.

"Cool hair." She looked at something that was past me.

I slowly turned and saw a girl with dark-blue hair walking out of the shop. A guy was holding the door for her.

I didn't see them when I was inside. Maybe they went in after I walked outside.

They walked past our table and walked down the sidewalk.

My attention turned back to Roxy.

"It's cool, huh?"

I nodded, eating my ice cream.

"Really cool hair. I wonder if that's the only color she's dyed it."

"You should have asked her."

"Nah. Kind of weird to go up and ask her that. Like 'hey, I'm Roxy. What other colors have you dyed your hair? I'm just curious.' And then give her like a creeper smile. Extremely creepy, right?"

I chuckled.

"Son of a gun." She rubbed her palms together.

"What? Are you cold?"

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