Baby It's Cold Outside ~Toby Tobuscus Turner

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Snow everywhere.

Toby took me to his winter cabin in Canada that he'd recently bought. This is the first time he's actually used it.

I still don't understand why he took me. . . I'm only his friend. . . Wouldn't he want to take a girlfriend or something. Even Clare!

I guess it doesn't matter considering I'm already here with him. . . In his house. . . By the fireplace. . . When Toby spoke up, "Do you wanna go play outside with me, y/n?"

My feet suddenly became the most interesting things on this planet, "U-uhh, yeah, sure." I got extremely nervous for some reason. . . Butterflies erupted my stomach like never before.

Why was I feeling this way? I do not think of Toby that way. . .

Do I?

I went in my room and got my boots on and walked to the living room, grabbing my coat and beanie. Toby had been waiting for me.

"Hurry up, slow-poke-buscus!" he giggled. His laugh was incredib-No. Stop. I can't think like that. We're just two friends in a winter cabin getaway type thing about to play in the sparkly snow together. No big deal. . . Right?

We got outside and the snow sparkled like freshly cut diamonds. . . It was absolutely stunning. I gaped at the sight. "It's really beautiful out here, Toby." I said as Toby and I were walking.

"Just like you. . ." he whispered but loud enough so I could here it and smiled his million dollar grin. He grabbed my hands making me face him.

"W-w-what. . ?" I asked completely shocked; my face had turned an even darker shade of red than from the coldness. "Me. . ?"

Toby looked to the snowman behind me and in his gay voice said, "No. . . This snowman. His name is Sir Freezy Freeze. We've been dating for quite sometime now. . ." he put his arm around the snowy figure, pretending to kiss its cheek.

Leave it to Toby to ruin an amazingly romantic moment.

"Ha ha. Very funny, buscus. . ." I crossed my arms and pretended to pout.

He strolled over to me.

"Awe. . . Angel. . . I was just kidding. Of course I was talking to you, silly nugget." he chuckled snaking his hands around my waist. I blushed like mad.

Toby called me "angel". . . I blushed even harder at the thought.

"Really?" I whispered softly. The wind blew my hair in a graceful way that I could only picture in a scene from a movie.

He pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear. The snow on the ground became really intriguing, therefore, I stared at it, blushing.

"Y/n, look up." Toby said soothingly. I did as I was told. I slowly lifted my head and my eyes instantly met his. "Look up even more." he giggled. I kept looking up and I spotted it. A gorgeous mistletoe. My cheeks turned red again knowing what happens under mistletoes. . .


Lovely, sweet, Christmas kisses.

I looked down at Toby, he smiled. He started to lean in and I knew what was coming. I braced myself and closed my eyes.

Not long after I felt his soft warm lips on mine. I started to kiss back and it felt so right, like our lips were puzzle pieces and they were the perfect match to complete the beautiful picture.

Just then snow began to fall and the street lights came on, signaling night time. Toby pulled away but I wished he didn't. "C'mon, let's go inside. It's getting late and cold." Just then Toby started to sing, "We really can't stay~..."

"Baby it's cold outside~" I sang afterwards. I giggled as we intertwined fingers and we headed inside.

This Christmas was going to be perfect. . . I was positive.

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