She sat up and looked at him "Is anything wrong?"
"No. Fortunately, the mist is almost gone and we can see clearlier now. How are you feeling?"
"A bit tired, but I am sure I will be alright" she answered. He nodded and stood up.
"We have to get going now" he announced and Tauriel stood up.

They got out of the small cave and started walking again. The cliff's bottom was faintly lit by the sun's fading light, but the cold did not go away.

Tauriel was indeed tired, maybe fron the last night's fog. But, not only did she feel tiredness, but she also felt something else inside her. A strange feeling warming her heart. She sighed and prayed this was something good.

Suddenly Thranduil, who was at the front of the group, came to a stop and raised his hand as a warning. Tauriel approached him "What is it?" she whispered. He pointed ahead. She narrowed her eyes and saw something...big in the distance.
"What could this possibly be?" she asked confused.
"I think it is a...small lake" he answered and started walking again. And yes, it was indeed a lake, a green one.

"This is not good..." said Dorian, who had come with them to this "journey", once they reached reached it. "There. There are some rocks we can walk on and cross the lake" said one of the soldiers, pointing some large rocks getting out of the lake in a row. They started making their way to the rockd, when these strange noises that had sounded the previous night sounded again.

They stopped and looked around. Before they could react, countless long, green snakes started coming out of the lake, heading towards them.
"Watch out!" Thranduil commanded and the others got to a fighting position. The snakes closed them and started attempting to climb on them and bite them. Thranduil started cutting the snakes' heads swiftly and gracefully. Tauriel was having a hard time killing the snakes for she was tired, and soon Thranduil had to kill the snakes climbing on her legs. The soldiers were gracefully too, keeping an eye on their king in case he needs help.

The snakes had soon changed their plan, for the elves killed them so easily. So, some of the evil creatures started attacking from behind while the rest distracted the warriors. Soon, a large snake was climbing quietly on Thranduil's leg. Suddenly Dorian saw the snake on Thranduil's thigh, ready to bite him.

Without thinking, he jumped forward, grasping the snake's head, taking it off his king's thigh and falling on the ground. When he was about to slice the snake's throat, it swiftly got out of his grasp and tightened around his torso.
Before Dorian could react, the snake dug its big poisonous teeth in his thigh.

He cried out in pain and felt his leg paralysing. Thranduil turned his head and saw a soldier trying to help Dorian, after he had killed the snake. An enormous wave of fury consumed the elvenking, his eyes blazing with white fire.

He urged forward, killing fiercely the snakes on his way, anger taking the best of him. Soon, the snakes were afraid of approaching him and they quickly dove back into the lake. He stopped fighting, glaring at the lake and breathing heavily. Tauriel stopped too, so did the rest soldiers.

She heard a cry and saw Dorian laying on the rocky ground, clutching his wound. She and Thranduil rushed to him and kneeled down while the rest soldiers searched for any other danger around them.

Dorian was grunting and moaning in pain, his eyes wide in panic, fear and despair.

"What happened?" Thranduil asked urgently.
"A snake bit him" a soldier answered him.
" was ready to bite you my Lord...and I caught it...and bit me" Dorian managed to say through gasps.
Thranduil frowned "You risked your life to save me, as a loyal soldier would do. That makes you a brave and loyal soldier, it is an honor to have you in my service" Thranduil replied and nodded thankfully.

Dorian managed to smile "It pleasure my Lord" he breathed. Thranduil smiled and turned to the other soldiers "Can you heal him?"
"Yes my Lord. I have some Athelas with me, I hope it helps ease the infection" answered the soldier.
"Do whatever you can then" Thranduil said and the soldier took some Athelas out of his purse. He carefully tore the cloth on the wound and pressed the Athelas against the small bites. Dorian gasped in pain and gritted his teeth. Some moments later, the soldier removed the kingsfoil and bandaged the wound.
"It will take Dorian about two hours to walk properly for the poison has already paralysed his leg" the soldier informed Thranduil.

He exhaled sceptiacally.
"My Lord, I can stay here, so I won't slow you down-"
"Don't even think about it, Dorian. I am not leaving you alone in this fell place. We will just walk in a slower pace" Thranduil instisted. Dorian simply nodded and two soldiers helped him to stand up. So, they crossed the lake by walking on the rocks and continued walking slowly.


It was noon and the sun was shining above the countless trees. Elrathon had stopped to let the soldiers rest and eat. Thet had barely rested the previous night, especially him. Even though they were elves, this place made everything more difficult. He could not rest, he was thinking of his daughter.
'Oh Illuvatar, let her be alright' he kept praying. His daughter was everything to him, his blooming flower. From the very moment she was born, he knew that, in the future, she would turn into a brave and beautiful elleth. They had been practising together, reading together, exploring together.

Her mother was not fancy of wandering around, learning about far places or such things. She most liked being with her family and people. Even though she had fewer interests than her husband and daughter, she was capable of ruling, leading and making her people happy. She loved her life. And that's why Elrathon loved her. Because Lasy Syrena had a great passion for nature, love of life, and being able to see the beauty in everything around her. Together, they were a very strong couple. And Elrathon already missed her.

'But it will be only a month. And then I will be with her again. So will my Elsa' he thought smiling. During their searching, they had found multiple openings on the ground, but not a hint of an "entrance" leading into the cliff. But he would not give up trying. He would do his best to save the prince.

He ate some lembas and then announced that they were to leave in a couple of minutes. As told, the soldiers got ready and continued searching along with the Lord.

Hello everyone!! I finally updated!!! Sorry for taking so long... Well, today is my Birthday so I decided to update as a present from me to you!! Anyways, did you like the chapter?

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