The BIG guy.

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Guess who.


Chapter 5: A BIG guy.

"I'm hungry."
Rachel groaned as they continued walking on the never ending road.

"Could we like just borrow a car and drive it? I can't walk any further " Isla gasped for another breath as she slowly trudged behind them.

"None of us know how to drive, child.", Rachel sighed as she told Isla.

"Yeah but there aren't any cops stopping us." Bobby had an evil grin plastered onto his face as he walked towards an empty car nearby.

He got in and turned the key in the ignition. "Lets go for a ride, ladies", Bobby smirked and Rachel shook her head, laughing lightly.


"See, I'm a pro, Rachel". Bobby said proudly as he did a wobbly turn.

"Yeah, a pro who bumped into six stop signs".

Isla giggled and Bobby faked a frown.

The three of them were momentarily free of any anxiety. They were still afraid of the zombie like beings, but not every moment of their life had to be feared. The silence shrouding them was not as eerie as it was before and they destroyed the stillness that had instilled dread in them. It was just perfect for that one moment where everyone was at peace. But peace never lasts as long as you want it to, because conflict and trouble has a way of getting through.

The car suddenly halted right in the middle of the road. Bobby kept trying to restart the engine but the car stayed superglued onto the ground. He banged the wheel with his hands and stepped outside to see what the holy crap had happened to the car.

His lower jaw hung open in awe. Both his eyebrows raised automatically in a moment of shock. And then he scrunched  them up, because it was stupid. The car wheels weren't rubber anymore. The were perfectly baked cookies. Bobby could even see the chocolate chips slowly melting under the heat of the sun. The cookie wheels had disintegrated on the underside and the crumbs were scattered around. Rachel and Isla noticed his perplexed face and stepped out of the car. They had a very similar reaction to what Bobby had as they lay their eyes on the bizarre wheels.

"what the fuuuuhhh-". Rachel sang in a confused tone.

"Can we eat it?" Isla asked sarcastically.

But before any of them could reply, loud rumbling was heard. So loud it deafened their ears. So loud they imagined it coming from Bobby's belly.


"It's not my tummy!", Bobby complained to Rachel who had asked him a hundredth time since the rumbling had stopped.

"Then what was that?"

"The ghroulers?"

"No, the ghroulers growl; this was like a volcanic eruption kinda rumbling."

"Hello, I am still here", Isla said, feeling excluded.

"Sorry little girl, you're just not old enough to-- what the holy fu*k is that".

Bobby cut his sentence short and lifted his head higher up to stare at something standing behind Isla.
Isla carefully turned and craned her neck upwards and stared in astonishment at the gargantuan creature.

Thick blue matted fur covered the entire body of the being. Its long, buff, hairy arms stretched across its bulging waist to its boulder-sized knees. In its hand it held a cylindrical cookie- approximately twice the size of traffic cones.

Bobby tilted his head higher up to behold the face of the creature. Its large mouth had turned into what looked like a smile. But as he looked into its eyes he realized what it was. It had eyes only a muppet could have. Large, round, marshmallow-shaped eyes protruded out on its oval face and two black circles kept twitching in it.


The monster thundered and made its way towards the car that they had 'borrowed'. With a mighty heave it lifted the Honda Civic off the ground, tore off the cookie-wheels and dumped them into its enormous mouth.

"Is-- is th-that c-cookie monster?", Isla asked inching slowly towards Bobby.

"If you're talking about the big guy from Sesame Street who likes- no loves cookies, than yeah."
Bobby had a mixture of shock and marvel in his voice.

"You know, I actually love the big guy from the show, but up close he's so effing huge and-- I'm scared of what he can do." Rachel spoke and inched towards Bobby slowly, without any sudden moves that would startle the monster.

The three of them stared at the large, seemingly benign and innocent creature, chomping on the cookies.

"What's he gonna do to us? He just looks like a blue furry gorilla." Isla said suddenly, slowly warming up to Cookie Monster.

"Yeah but did you know gorillas have killed humans when they get angry?"

"But he's not a gorilla. He's a furry and plushy monster."

"Umm, have you even watched Sesame Street? That 'plushy' monster can really do anything to anyone that messes with it- and it's cookies.", Rachel added, suggesting it wasn't a good idea to befriend the unreliable monster who only cared for cookies.

"You guys can be wusses if you want but I'm going near it." Isla stated and without another word she walked boldly towards Cookie Monster.


Cookie Monster was too busy scarfing down the cookies to notice Isla approaching him.

"HELLO THERE BIG GUY!", Isla shouted in a loud voice that seemed strange coming from the meek little girl. "AREN'T YOU A CUTIE?"

Cookie Monster licked his furry paws and then bent down to notice Isla standing.

"HERE, YOU WANT ANOTHER COOKIE?". Isla picked up a large cookie crumb.

Cookie Monster saw her pick it up. His smile slowly morphed into an angry frown. He slowly stood up, towering Isla.

Bobby and Rachel were too scared to say thing- they opened their mouths to call out to Isla but no words came out. Isla tried to back away from the intimidating monster but she couldn't move her legs. They had turned rock solid. And then her hands began to grow short and stumpy. Her face started flattening out. Her fair complexion turned darker.

"NO ONE TOUCH MY COOKIES!", Cookie Monster bellowed so loudly Isla fell flat on the ground. Bobby and Rachel shut their eyes in fear of what the enraged Cookie Monster might do. But  when they opened their eyes, Isla was gone. There was something else instead.

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