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I know the name of the story says "zombies", but wait. This is only the second chapter. [you'll understand what I mean after you finish reading].

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The soft low growling resonated throughout the silent halls. Bobby and Rachel both stared at each other with blank faces. Rachel was utterly confused and the devastation on her face was vivid. Bobby on the other hand didn't know whether to be afraid or to be excited, even though he was unknown to the circumstances of the situation.
The growling grew louder as the two walked in the direction of the sound. They neared the cafeteria. It reeked of dead things. Maybe old cafe lady died and got resurrected. Bobby conjured up all the other possible possibilities from where and how the smell could have arrived but before he could rant out his thoughts to Rachel, he noticed the petrified look on her pale face.

Bobby cautiously followed her gaze to one of the many green tables strewn across the devastated cafeteria. Food was thrown everywhere. Almost all the tables were overturned and some chairs managed to get as high as on top of the fans. He stared in awe and continued staring.

Some 'thing' hovered over the only sane table in the cafeteria and the old lady lay on it, almost lifeless, gasping for a last breath. A white milky being levitated over the lady. It looked like a ghost but since Bobby didn't sense emptiness in it, he decided it was something else. A hole appeared in what seemed to be the head of the thing. Bobby saw darkness inside it, despite its outer covering being a dense white. The thing began sucking the air. It bent low over the old lady and stopped right before it could almost kiss the her. In a split second, her face began to disappear. It dissolved into thin air. Slowly all the other parts of her evaporated and the old lady was gone.

Even though she was going to die of old age, it wasn't the way anyone would expect to depart from the world. Or maybe she wasn't dead, but still lingered about in a nonhuman form. Bobby glanced at Rachel, still in a state of bafflement. Rachel looked-- Bobby didn't know what to think of her expression. She looked surprised, aghast, terrified and scared, all at the same time. Her eyes were red and puffy. Dark blue semi circles formed under her eyes. She looked awful. Her pretty face was temporarily distorted. Bobby almost felt like crying looking at Rachel, until she let out a silent sob and slid slowly down the wall.

"Hey, it's okay, it's going to be fine. We'll figure this out, I promise. Actually, I hope." Bobby tried comforting her in the best way he could but it was difficult, seeing that he hardly ever interacted with anyone much, until her.

"What the fu*k just happened. That lady- she-- she just vanished. Gone. And that thing-". Rachel let out an exasperated sigh before another hot tear trickled down her bruised face.

"Please don't cry. I don't know how to make you stop".

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry. It's just that you look like an injured puppy when you cry. It's-- it's something I can't watch".

Rachel choked out a small laugh. "Yeah, I'll stop crying. It's just that that was overwhelming. The tears just came out. Yeah, we'll figure this out. Would you help me up?"

Bobby helped her up and she dusted herself.

"You know what, we should get out of here. Now. Let's stop by that frozen yogurt shop. I have a few bucks. Fro-yo always keeps me cool. And then we can go to the cops". Before Rachel could say anything else, Bobby dragged her out of the school.

Everywhere was deserted, no one was around. The road was jammed with cars, but there weren't any people in them. Gas leaked out of a large truck and formed a wide puddle. Another car blared out Jay-Z songs. But there was still nothing.

Emptiness crowded the atmosphere. Rachel and Bobby looked at each other with sullen looks. Not again. How could everyone just vanish,poof, except for themselves? And then something dawned to Bobby.

"Rachel, I just thought the worst thing."

"Well don't you always? I mean from what I've noticed".

"No. No, I mean like- remember that 'thing' from the cafeteria? Maybe there are more of those, roaming around and sucking people away".

"Wow, that's helpful. And good to know. So now I'll just wait for that sh*t to come get me".

"No, I'm being serious Rachel. But the weird thing is- why not suck us away already?"

"You wanted to get sucked?"

"No, you doofus. Maybe we're special. Maybe that's why the 'thing' didn't get us already".

"Oh yay, I've always wanted to be special!" Bobby raised an eyebrow at Rachel.

"Fine, sorry, I'll be serious. Yeah, maybe you're right. If they were going to suck everyone away, they should have gotten us too. But they didn't. We need to find out why."


"You know I've been thinking. We should give the 'thing' a name".

"Wow, that is really so important right now".

"Shut up. We should call them- GHROULERS".


"Ghroulers. Ghouls that growl".

"Yeah but we don't know if they're ghouls. Wait, what are ghouls?"

"Doesn't matter. They look like ghouls. And they growl. Thus the name, 'Ghroulers'".

"Wow, you really are a very smart individual".

"Shut up".

"I don't know why we're joking when we might die soon"

"Me Neither. So what should we do next, Bobby the genius?"

"Haha. But I really don't know. I just want to go home". Bobby had a faraway look in his eyes.

"Why? Nowhere is safe".

"I want to play GTA 6".

Rachel face-palmed and followed Bobby as he walked towards his house.

Zombies and A MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now