Let's be optimistic

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I like cookies. I love cookie monster.      :}    <3  x・▽ (^^)

because mEguNA wanted me to. (^ω^)


CHAPTER 1: Let's be optimistic


Bobby snatched his duffle bag off the kitchen table and bolted out of the house before his mom could say anything more.  As he slowed and steadied himself while trying to power-walk his way to school, Bobby kept thinking about how he was going to make his years at high school not suck. Middle school was a major disaster. During those catastrophic years, he brought back a failed report card every semester and it had all started because of his huge addiction to video games, namely COD, GTA and HALO. His obsession grew so immense that on one fateful day,  the last day of school in eighth grade, in a state of confusion, he threw a pencil at his class teacher, Miss I Gwendoline Mary, thinking that it was a grenade (COD reference). And the enormous lady, who was considered a five-kill-streak by a fazed Bobby, was sent to the emergency room to remove the pencil that impaled her thigh while he spent a prolonged year in a rehabilitation center. Bobby shuddered at the thought of that memory, especially the part where his teacher's thick, gelatinous blood oozed out of her large thigh and dripped onto the floor of the classroom. Fortunately for him, he was tamed in the rehabilitation center and in the clear of  doing anything as reckless and stupid again.

He smoothened his uneven shirt and combed through his ruffled hair as he neared the entrance of Happy Skies High School. He made a soft retching sound as he read the large bold rainbow colors that formed the name of the institution. Happy Skies my ass, Bobby thought silently, I think I'll probably go say hi to Rainbow Dash. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his slim-fit jeans and trudged towards his locker. Locker number 63. And someone was standing in front of it.

Bobby was never good at talking to people. When he was in sixth grade, his only best friend, Faith, had died in car crash when a drunk driver collided with their car, with her mother driving it. Her mother survived, but Faith died on impact. She wasn't just Bobby's best friend, she was also his immediate  twin and the only person he ever interacted with. Bobby's  mother forced herself to get over the dreaded death of her daughter, but he wasn't able to. He cut himself off from the real world and confided in his video games to distract himself from the horrible truth.

He stood a few feet away from his locker, hoping he wouldn't have to talk to the girl and ask her move. But she showed no signs of going anywhere and only stood gently rocking her slender body to the beat of the music she was listening to through her earphones. As he inched closer towards his locker and the girl, he felt an uncomfortable but familiar feeling at the same time. He gently tapped her with the tip his hand.

"Umm sorry but I need you to go away cause this is my locker-- I mean I need you to move so that I can put my books in, so--"

The girl pulled out her earphones and stared at him intently with her soft, mesmerizing brown eyes. "Oh I'm new too." She pulled out her hand and kept it out for Bobby to shake. Bobby shook it without any hesitation. "Am I that obvious?", Bobby mumbled a small laugh.

"More obvious than captain obvious. I guess I have..... Locker number 64. I'm Rachel, by the way. Umm, this is the part where you tell me your name".


"So your actual name is Robert?"

"No its Bobby"

"Cool. See you later, locker neighbor". Rachel plugged in her earphones, stuffed her hands into the pockets of her sweater, and walked away.
Bobby smiled as he silently high fived himself. Yes, Bobby making progress. Good job Bobby, you spoke more than 5 words to a person. As he put in the locker combination, Bobby developed the sudden urge to use the restroom. He hurriedly trashed his books into his locker and made a beeline to the restroom. But as he got out of the stall he used to flush his system, he noticed something odd. It was completely quite, except for the sound of  water gushing out of the tap as he washed his hands. Even the girls restroom nearby didn't harbor any noise. He closed the tap and took small steps towards the door as if it were a horror movie. The door slowly creaked as he opened it, only to reveal more silence.

Just minutes ago, the corridors were bustling with teachers, students and other staff, but now the hallway was empty. There was no one. Except for Bobby. It seemed strange for him. Even though he used to isolate himself from people, he was used to them being around. But this was different. Heh, Its probably  just some zombie apocalypse, Bobby joked to himself. But maybe he was right. Or wrong.

He slung his bag over his shoulder and took slow, tentative steps. Maybe there were zombies lurking. So he unsheathed a pencil from his bag and held it forwards, ready for any sudden attack. But the only thing that came his way (and almost impaled) was a distressed Rachel.

"OH MY FU**ING GOD!WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!". She yanked the pencil from Bobby's grip and steadied her stressed breathing. Bobby smiled.

"Yay! Another living person apart from me."

"What the hell do you mean? Like are we under an attack or something? Or is this like the book GONE, where adults are 'gone' or something? OR, are we in some parallel universe--". Bobby held his hand out to slow her down.

"Woah. Nice theories. But I think this is something wayyy cooler. I'm not really sure what the hell is going on, but for now I think we should stick together".

"Yeah and Captain America will come rescue us".

"Maybe. But let's be optimistic. Lets focus on not dying".

"Why, do you think something's going to come kill us?".

"Maybe. That's why I had the pencil in my hand before you took it away".

"I took it away because you almost stabbed me! Ugh, could I have a pencil too?".

"You know, I'm thinking this is like GONE. Except everyone's 'gone' besides us. or maybe they're dead. Or maybe-"

"Lets just stick with being optimistic". Rachel concluded their conversation as soft, low growling sounds seized the silence and stillness of the school.

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