9 - Adrien

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Adrien stumbled into his room after transforming back to normal.

He huffed, as Plagg flew out of his polo and to the coffee table where his supply of Camembert cheese were stacked.

"That was a blast" Adrien said, collapsing onto his couch as he watched Plagg wolf down his stinky cheese.

Adrien cringed "I really don't know how you're handling that stinky cheese"

"I don't know about you but I'm having a good time here"

The blonde rolled his eyes smiling. "Do you think we could trust that new companion?"

"Who? The gray snake from earlier?"

"Gris Vipére"

"Hm, dunno" Plagg shrugged, clearly uninterested in the coversation while his cheese is in front of him.

"Maybe we could trust her" Adrien added "But I honestly, I'd still prefer Ladybug" he said, comfying himself on his seat as he crossed his arms behind his head.

He looked up, thinking about the posibilities of having a new comrade.

A knock interrupted his thoughts.

"Plagg, hide"

The kwami hid behind the pillows of his couch with his cheese.

"Adrien?" A familiar muffled voice called.

He opened the door to reveal Travis standing there, still in her dress. But in sneakers.

Tria excused herself and left, which made it a bit tense.

Travis seemed to lose her confidence when her guardian went away.

"I was wondering, well do you have like school tomorrow?" She tilted her head "or you're homeschooled? Coz, Tria and I are going to buy some clothes tomorrow"

"Maybe you can join us and show some clothing shops with a good price" she chuckled nervously "Sorry, I don't go out that much"

Adrien was about to suggest his father's clothing apparel shop but he held his tongue.

Knowing her down-to-earth personality, he knew she wouldn't go for something that expensive despite their money.

"Oh, I would, but I have school tomorrow, maybe after we could, I'll ask my friend if she knows some—"

"Oh, no, no. It's okay" Travis smiled shaking her head, her hands extended in a calming manner.

"Me and Tria could just look around, and ask" she chuckled "We wouldn't want to be a bother" she said. Adrien chuckled but still he insisted to help.

"I see. But I'll just ask my friend if she knows some shops with good quality clothes in the right price" Adrien said, pertaining to his jolly classmate, Marinette. Maybe he could ask Alya and Nino too.

"Ahah, thanks, Adrien, you're a life saver" Travis scratched the back of her head with a relieved smile.

"No problem. I can help if you need some" then he wondered "Why do you need a new set of clothes, though?"

Travis chuckled, crossing her arms as she adjusted her weight on one foot as she stood.

"Well, kind of a...wardrobe crisis" she pursed her lips and shrugged "My mom kind of, changed my luggage and replaced my shirts and jeans with dresses and skirts" she sighed.

"I could go for her botique too, but a pair of jeans is expensive. Even a simple shirt too!" Travis rambled "I didn't mean to be choosy, its just that it's just a shirt, other shops have one" then she added ",with a cooler design to be honest, it's only expensive because of the brand. It's like, we're paying for the name, not for the shirt itself. There are shops with good quality but a cheaper price"

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