Hercules nudges me. "Please get out of the French movies. Some of us still don't know French, and really regret taking Spanish in high school. Just saying."

I pout but switch the genre out. We're now looking through sappy romances. My brain just won't stop thinking though. Finally, Hercules takes the remote and randomly selects a movie. He gives me one more long look before settling in, cuddling against me.

I snuggle in, trying desperately to ignore the speculations circulating in my head.

At some point, the sarcastic remarks at the events and the jokes about what is happening fade. I glance over to see that Hercules is fast asleep, drooling slightly on my shoulder.

I chuckle slightly to myself, and try to move him off me in a way that won't wake him up. I have to go and take a walk.

I find myself out the door, exhaling. It was too much right now, to be near him. Hercules, sweet Hercules, couldn't understand. Not that he mentally couldn't, but I couldn't tell him.

No, never, because what I was feeling was fake. This stupid sense of non-belonging, of uselessness.

I wouldn't put him through that.

Next morning, I'm curled in my bed, a bit cold. Seven o'clock, and he's still fast asleep on the couch. We have class today, and I need to get him up.

I just don't want to get up though. Because getting up means I have to face the day, and be happy for everyone. I don't know how much longer I can take this. I love all my friends to dearly to be honest! And besides, what is there to say?

I sit up, swinging my legs off the bed to go wake up my boyfriend. I had considered just sleeping with him but... I don't know.

I shake his shoulder lightly, and try not to sound bitter when I say "Good morning."

He moans slightly in his sleep and tries to snuggle deeper into the couch.

"No. Get up."

Hercules finally opens his eyes, blinking several times before sluggishly smiling at me. "Hey, Laf. What time is it?"

"Seven. Seriously, stand up. Classes start soon."

"Oh... Did I sleep since the movie? I must have been pretty tired." He practically tries to roll off the couch before deciding to gracefully get off the couch. He rubs at his eyes and then gently pats my shoulder. "Thanks, Laf. You're the best."

I take a deep breath in and just smile, a bit forced. "I'm gonna go get changed. No sex jokes or suggestions 'till class is in session."

"Aww... You're taking away all of the fun in the morning. I should probably get ready too anyway, though. I'll wait for you so you have time to finish though." He winks at me. "I'd join you if you had to shower, but..."

"A good offer, but I'll have to decline. Now go get dressed."

"Fine." He gently kisses me on the cheek before rushing off to rummage through his dresser.

I sigh quietly at his back and get changed.

Class with Mr. Washington comes about, the class that seems most everyone is in. Reading and Writing is the name of the class. I walk in to see Alex, John, and Eliza sitting close together. Big surprise there. Burr, Jenna, Jefferson, and Madison are in another part of the room. Hercules hasn't arrived yet, and Peggy, Maria, and Angelica are in the front row. I sit down near John.

"Alright class," Mr. Washington begins. "I know this class is titled Reading and Writing, but we're also gonna be doing some debating. Angelica, you don't have to sit there, I pulled in the spinny chair."

Stories Undone, Scars Unseen // Hamilton College AUWhere stories live. Discover now