Chapter Six .

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"Rise and shine sleepy head." Zymari said walking over to the window and pulling back the curtains. I quickly squinted my eyes waiting for them to adjust to the light. "Omg , sweetie are you okay?" I wiped the tears off of my face and took the covers off of me. "No I'm not." I mumbled. She sighed and hugged me ,"Is there anything I can do for you?" I shook my head looking down at my fingers. "Well just know if you need anything ill always be there for you." She said getting up. I turned over and grabbed my phone off of the end table and checked the time. "Oh and get up out of this bed." She grabbed my foot and dragged me onto the floor.


Zymari parked her car in one of the parking spaces in the school parking lot. "When am I going to get my seat back?" Logan said leaning his head over next to me. "When you learn to brush your teeth." I pushed his head back to the back seat then grabbed my stuff as we all got out of the car. "Hey Lala check it out." I looked up from my phone and tried to see what Zymari was pointing out ,"What?" I said still a little lost. "There goes Kyaire over there , word around the school is that he li--" "Dont even." I cut her off and rolled my eyes. She smacked her lips,"Whatever girl I'm just saying if I wasn't with Logan that boy would be all mine." "Who would be all yours?" Logan said picking up Zymari. "Stop it your causing a scene." She said giggling as they walked away. I sighed and walked into the building already dreading this day.


"Wassup girl?" I slightly shut my locker a little bit only to see this jack ass standing next to me. I rolled my eyes and continued grabbing my books out of my locker. "Well for starters I still don't have your name shawty." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "For one my name DAMN sure isn't 'shawty'."I said putting air quotes around shawty. He chuckled and bit his lip,"You know you real fiesty." I rolled my eyes and closed my locker,"Whatever..." I tried to walk away to get to my first class which started in 7 minutes , but he pulled me back to him. "Uhhh what do you think you're doing?" He put his arms around my waist and looked into my eyes ,"You know your beautiful." I put on a fake smile,"I've been told." He pulled me closer to him,"Why you so stiff on me shawty?" I looked up at the clock on the wall, I pulled his hands off me and fixed my shirt. "Excuse me I'm going to late for class." I turned around and tried to walk away from him but he caught up to me,"You do know we have the same first class right?" He said grabbing my books and walking with me. "Jesus help me..." I mumbled to myself as I looked up at the ceiling.


This asshole has been getting on my nerves all day and I swear if he pokes me one mo--"Pssssst." I sighed and turned to him putting on a fake smile. "Do you need some help?" "Seriously cause I can get you some." I said getting pissed off at him bugging me. He licked his lips,"Nah but I got something that could help you stop being so stiff on me." He said pointing at the center of his pants. "I hate you." I said squinting my eyes. He chuckled,"Now you ain't got to go and say all that shawty." "Mr. Tenered!" He turned to the teacher and looked at her,"Ma'am?"I stared at Kyaire and looked him up and down. You know past him being so annoying, he actually is kind of attractive. I bit my lip in and admired his curly hair. I didn't realize how deep I was into my thoughts until I heard the teacher screaming my name,"Ms.Sanchez!" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the teacher,"What?" I snapped. "Will you stop starring at Kyaire and pay attention to the board." The whole class broke out into laughter as my cheeks turned red in embarrassment. Kyaire looked at me and bit his lip and smiled. This boy is something else.


The lunch bell rung and the whole class scurried out the room like a bunch of animals...I swear they act like they never ate a day in their lives. I was heading to the cafeteria,"Shawty!" Kyaire said catching up with me and stopping me,"Hey stalker." I said turning to him. "Coming from the one who got caught starring at me." I rolled my eyes,"Whatever." He chuckled. "But are you eating lunch?" "Gee what gave it away?" I said sarcastically due to the point that this was our lunch period. "Look I was going to ask you if you wanted to come off campus with me to the pizza cafe?" I looked at the cafeteria then back at him and squinted my eyes,"You better not try anything." He smirked,"So you down?" I nodded my head,"I guess." "Cool Cool." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the school to his car.

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