Chapter 9

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<pre>Taylor's POV

I grabbed a long grey dress from my wardrobe and sprinted to the bathroom, changing in record time. I quickly blew a kiss to Frank as I sprinted from my room. I made it to the front door really quick, and yanked it open, to reveal my parents. What the fuck where they doing here?

"Taylor?! What's wrong with your hair?" said mum, tugging at my blue locks.

"And why is there another car here?" added Dad. "Is there a man here? Taylor, is there something you're not telling us?" asked my dad, eyeing me suspiciously

"Jeez, calm down. Mum, I dyed my hair, and Dad, there is another man here. I have a boyfriend now." I wanted to tell him to calm the fuck down, but I knew that wouldn't sit too well with my father.

"A boyfriend?!" my mother exclaimed. "How come we didn't know about this earlier?"

"Well you're never around, and it didn't seem like a big deal," I shrugged.

"Well, it is a big deal, young girl. Is he here right now? Can we meet him?" my father asked questioningly.

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. Why were they pulling this protective parent act when I was actually an adult?

"I mean, I guess you could see him. Make yourself at home, I guess. I'll go let him know about the arrangement." My mother and father nodded in approval as I turned on my heel and jogged upstairs.

Frank was still lying in bed when I arrived. He jumped out instantly when he saw me come through the door with a worried expression vacating my face.

"Who is it? What's wrong? Do you need help?" he asked, flooding me with a shit load of questions.

I sighed deeply dived face first on to the large bed.

"Get some clothes on, honey, you're going to meet my parents," I said, twirling some hair around my finger.

Frank raised an eyebrow. "Why are your parents here?

I sighed again and rolled over. "I don't even know," then I thought about it for a second. "Probably to check up on me, I guess."

"Well okay, I guess I could meet them."

~Ages later when Franks finished doing his hair and make up~

Franks POV

It seemed a little suspicious to me that Taylor's parents just popped out of no where, but I didn't want to say anything as I didn't know the whole story.

"You ready?" Taylor whispered, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. We were standing at the top of the stairs, fingers connected.

"I think so," I murmured against her neck. She giggled and we started going downstairs.

We reached the bottom of the stairs, still holding hands, and was confronted by Taylor's judgmental parents. I say judgmental because I could see them taking in every aspect of me, they both frown as their eyes travel up to the piercings and eyeliner, and I hide back a smirk, for Taylor's sake.

Taylor's grip on my hand tightens. "Are you guys done judging my boyfriend?" she growls.

Taylor's mother speaks up, diverting her gaze to my eyes. "What's your name?"

I sigh. "Frank. Frank Iero," I smile, trying to be friendly. "It's nice to meet you, what's yours?"

She smiles back uncertainly. "My name's Carly."

I smile and shake her thin hand, then hold mine out to Taylor's father. He takes it hesitantly and mumbles his name, which is David.

"Do you have a stable job?" David asks me. I frown slightly but quickly hide it with a black expression. Most older people did not think being in a famous band is a stable job, and the truth was, I didn't really have anything to fall back on, if it didn't work out.

"I'm in a band, sir. Quite famous actually, released 4 albums, 2 live albums. I'd say I'm doing well."

Taylor's mother blinked blankly. She turned to Taylor. "Your boyfriend is in a band?"

Taylor raises an eyebrow, looking annoyed. "In fact, he is. Is there a problem with that? Because I certainly don't have a problem with it, I don't even see how it affects you, I'm the one living with him. I'm very proud of Frank's achievements, and I like him very much, so if you don't like that, you can shove it up your..." I squeezed Taylor's hand as a warning, so she wouldn't continue. I knew her insult wouldn't sit well with her parents. She smiled up at me thankfully, knowing that she would've lost control otherwise.

"Taylor?!" exclaimed Carly, obviously surprised by Taylor's outburst. "You've never said anything like that to me before, the man here," she pointed to me, " must be a bad influence on you, I do not approve of your relationship together!"

A flash of anger whipped across Taylor's face. "Just because I've never SAID anything like that before, doesn't mean I've never thought it before!" Tay growled. I wrapped a supporting arm around her waist that made her Dad frown.

"It burst right out of my mouth, because I was so angry!" she retorted. "Now don't you go blaming my boyfriend for things you don't understand, now get out of my house!" she fumed. I rubbed her back soothingly.

Carly's mouth opened in to a little o shape. "Your house?!"

"Yes my house, you handed it over to me, if I remember correctly?" smirked Taylor.

Carly's mouth closed in to a thin line and she grabbed her husbands hand, towing him out of the house.

Taylor turned to me, smirking. "I think that went well."

I almost fell over from the shock. "Well?! They fucking hated me!" I almost shouted, waving my arms around in exaggeration.

She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. "You're so hot when you do that."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

She didn't answer she just kissed me. And it was like all our other kisses, this one was passionate.


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